Page 61 of Love Me Like You Do

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Everything was going to work out with my business, with custody of Wren, and with my relationship with Everly. I could see the puzzle pieces of my life laid out on a table, and I just needed to fit them in the right spot.

I immersed myself in wedding preparations, wanting Remi and Colton to have the perfect day. I tried to put the phone conversation out of my head, especially when I was talking to Gia. I felt a little guilty for talking to Silas. I knew she wouldn’t like it, and she was the first local business owner to take a chance on me. I owed her everything.

I didn’t usually hang out to watch the wedding, but I was curious how the arbor and the overhang of trees would be. I hovered on the outskirts as Remi’s bridal party of friends, walked one by one down the aisle in dresses that looked like something out of a fairy tale. They wore pastel color dresses that flowed like water around their bodies. I had a feeling Remi wanted a light and airy look to her wedding.

Then Remi walked down the aisle in a flowing, lace-covered dress with a small child in her arms instead of a bouquet. The little girl had a mass of curls around her head, covered with a fresh ring of flowers, and clutched a small basket of flower petals in her arms. Every once in a while, she threw a few in the air, and they fluttered around Remi. Each time she did it, Remi laughed.

My gaze followed the white aisle runner to Colton, who stood stiff in his suit. They’d gone with a more casual look for the outdoor wedding, but Colton stood like a police officer even out of uniform. But the look on his face was soft and full of tenderness for Remi and their daughter.”

There was an occasional drop of rain, but nothing that would affect the ceremony or the guests.

“Isn’t Willow sweet?” Aria asked me.

“Remi and Colton’s daughter?” I asked.

Aria nodded. “They wanted to wait until after she was born to have the wedding. They said they weren’t in a rush to get married. They knew they loved each other.”

“You’re a romantic?” I asked, amused. Gia was all business, but this new wedding planner was different.

Her nose wrinkled. “Everyone says that like it’s a bad thing.”

“It’s not. I just wondered. You’re different from Gia.”

“You mean she’s all spreadsheets and numbers, and I rely on feelings and images.”

“That’s what I meant.” I hoped I hadn’t offended her.

“I love creating beautiful weddings. You can only do so much with flowers and decorations. Sometimes, the location is the event.”

“I agree.”

She held her hands to her chest. “And I love the crowns of flowers. It was Remi’s idea to add them.”

“It was a nice touch.”

Remi reached Colton, and he reached for Willow. Holding her on his hip on one side, he reached over to pull Remi close and whispered something in her ear. The movement was so natural and sweet, I couldn’t help but wonder if Everly and I would get married one day. If we’d have a child of our own. The longing became an ache in my chest. I hadn’t counted on feeling any of these emotions when I asked Everly to be my fake girlfriend.

* * *

After Abby was finished taking pictures by the arbor, I loaded the ceremony chairs and arbor into my truck. The rest of the Happily Ever Afters crew monitored the reception. When I closed the tailgate, Gia appeared.

“That arbor looked amazing in the pictures.”

“Great.” A sense of pride flowed through me that my work was appreciated. I wasn’t just a rental equipment guy; I created the arbor by hand. That was more satisfying than providing chairs and linens.

“We were thinking we’d take advantage of the reception setup to have an impromptu party this evening. I’d love it if you could come.”

Gia was one hundred percent professional at all times, so I was a little surprised by her suggestion.

She smiled sheepishly. “I know it’s a little out of character, but I figured we’ve been working hard and could stand to relax.”

“It’s a great idea. What time do you think guests will clear out?” I’d come to support her.

Gia checked her itinerary on her tablet, but I was positive she had the schedule memorized. “The couple reserved the barn until eleven.”

I nodded. “I can be back here then.”

When I turned to leave, Gia said, “Great, and Harrison?”
