Page 67 of Love Me Like You Do

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“It’s beautiful,” Everly whispered.

“Not more beautiful than you.” I was focused on Everly’s face.

Everly glanced at me. “You say the sweetest things.”

“I’m charming like that.” I played it off when I really wanted to tell her I was serious. I wasn’t saying a line or acting out a role. She was beautiful. She was sweet and giving and everything I wanted in a partner.

We paused in front of the lake, taking it in. Only a few couples and families circled the lake on the path. It was approaching dusk, and most of the younger families had probably headed home. It was a long day of walking and sightseeing.

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” Everly said.

I knew there were more beautiful lakes than this, but I agreed there was something about the lights illuminating the water that was peaceful. I wanted to show Everly everything she hadn’t seen. Her mother didn’t take her on vacations, so she hadn’t traveled much outside of the state. I wanted to be the one to show her the world.

And Wren would be there too. Hopefully, if the case turned out the way we wanted it to. Jackson had said to be patient to see how things went with the baby and basketball season, but I was impatient. I wanted it all now.

“Want to walk around?” Everly asked Wren.

Wren nodded eagerly, so we walked leisurely around the lake, taking it in. Not talking or ruining the moment. It was quiet here. Tranquil. It was almost as if most people overlooked this part of the estate. Or it was too far away from the rest of the attractions.

“Let’s take a picture,” I said when we were halfway around. No one was near us, so I held up my phone for a selfie. The girls cuddled into my side, and we smiled big. The lake was illuminated in reds and greens behind us. It was a great shot, highlighting the perfect day.

“You should use this on your home screen,” Wren said as she added it and then sent the image to Everly. Wren loved to play with my phone and commandeered it whenever she could.

“That’s a good idea. I want to remember this day,” I said as we resumed our walk.

“Can we come back next year?” Wren asked.

“How about we make it a new family tradition to come every year?” I said to her.

Wren grinned. “We should invite Aunt Sage and Grandpa and Grandma.”

It was a great idea, but it felt sacred. “I don’t know. I think I’d prefer if we kept this for ourselves.”

“I’d like that,” Wren said.

Everly was noticeably quiet during that exchange. I waited until Wren walked ahead of us a bit. “Are you okay?”

“Of course. I’m having a great time.”

“I want to take you places and explore them together.”

“I’d like that.” Everly smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Before I could address it or ask her what was wrong, Wren called us to show us another light display in the trees up ahead.

I made the appropriate comments, but my mind was on Everly and why she seemed uncertain about us. Or maybe she thought this was still an act.

By the time we made it back to the main grounds, it was dark. Wren was excited to see the lights at night, so I bought hot chocolate and a pizza from a stand, and we ate and then slowly walked the grounds.

When our feet hurt, I suggested checking out the gift shop. Everly and Wren picked out ornaments for our tree, and we finally headed home. Wren fell asleep as soon as we got on the highway, and then it was just me and Everly.

I turned on the radio to holiday music and let it filter through the speakers.

“I can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving.”

“Didn’t think we’d still be together?” I teased, curious as to what she’d say.

“I knew it would be a long process, but I didn’t anticipate that they’d push the custody case back.”

My heart sank. “Is it too much? Do you want to back out?”
