Page 78 of Love Me Like You Do

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He winked at me as he buttoned up his white shirt. Harrison was attractive in his jeans and T-shirts, but dressed up, he was even sexier. I grabbed a dress from my closet and a matching bra and panty set.

Feeling better than earlier, I made sure I shaved every inch of my skin and took extra time with my hair.

I loved the idea of Harrison planning a romantic night for just the two of us. We’d gotten into a habit of watching a movie when Wren was here, but tonight, we were alone. I was curious about what he’d planned.

Downstairs, candles were lit on the dining room table, and Harrison was transferring food from take-out containers to plates.

“I can help with that.”

Harrison held up a hand to stop me. “You relax. There’s a glass of wine on the counter for you.”

Pleased, I sat on the stool, taking the glass of white wine and sipping it slowly. “I could get used to this.”

Harrison came over, rotating me on the stool until my legs were between his. “You always cook for me. I want to take care of you tonight.”

Everything inside me melted.

His hand cupped my cheek as he kissed me softly. At that point, I didn’t care about the dinner he’d ordered or the trouble he went through to make the evening romantic. I wanted him to take me upstairs. To lay me out on the bed and devour me. I wanted a confirmation that last night wasn’t a mistake or a move in the wrong direction.

I wanted to be sure I was what he wanted.

Harrison slowed our kisses and pulled back slightly. “I like where this is going, but I have plans for tonight.”

He rubbed a thumb over my lower lip. “Don’t worry, we’ll end up in the same place.” He grabbed his glass of wine and the bottle in one hand, helping me down from the stool with his free one.

With his hand on my lower back, he guided me to the table. When we stood in front of it, he bowed. “Milady, your dinner.” Then he pulled out my chair and waited for me to sit.

“This is really nice.” I’d never had a man order a fancy meal and fresh flowers or go through the trouble of setting up candles and creating a romantic atmosphere. “You’re spoiling me.”

He leaned down to kiss me. “That’s not possible.”

I smiled against his lips. I loved this side of Harrison, playful and fun, yet sexy too. He’d left the top two buttons of his shirt undone, and his cuffs were rolled to his forearms. I smelled aftershave or cologne or something, and it was intoxicating.

He served me first. A steak, twice-baked potatoes, and vegetables. Then the same for him. The food was from a fancy steak place in the city. I didn’t even know they delivered this far out. Something told me Harrison had gone through more trouble than he was letting on. I loved the thought behind everything.

We ate and talked about how we enjoyed spending Thanksgiving together and looked forward to Christmas. Harrison talked about his traditions with Wren on Christmas morning. They opened matching Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve when she was with him, and when she woke up in the morning, she got up super early, and they opened presents before the sun rose.

“It’s special, but it’s always just the two of us. I want to share it with you.”

“I’d like that too.” I usually spent the morning by myself in my apartment, very aware that everyone else spent that time with loved ones.

“I’m happy we get to spend the time together this year.”

“Me too,” I said, the warmth of our conversation wrapping around my heart.

After dinner, he pulled out a cheesecake and cut a large slice for us to share.

“This is divine,” I said after he fed me the first bite. There was something incredibly intimate about him feeding me from his fork.

Harrison smiled as he cut his own piece and popped it into his mouth. “I’m glad you like it.”

I waved my hand around the room. “This whole evening is perfect.”

There were candles on every surface, the flames dancing as we talked. Holiday music played softly from a speaker in the kitchen.

Harrison nodded as he cut another piece and offered it to me. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

I chewed, swallowed, and sipped my wine. “Something tells me you have more planned.”
