Page 80 of Love Me Like You Do

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“I’ll take the guest room. But you can meet with clients here now. You won’t need to meet in Gia’s office anymore.”

“You’re right. This is perfect.” I moved around the room, keeping one hand in his as I ran my other hand over the wood. “I’ll need to fill these.”

He grinned. “Something tells me you won’t have a problem with that.”

I envisioned coffee table books for weddings and décor.

“You can store your portfolios here.” He tugged me to the shelves behind the desk. “When you meet with a client, you can turn and have everything you need here.

A laptop sat on the desk. “What’s this?”

“Sage said you needed a new computer that can handle your graphic arts.”

“I can’t afford this right now.” But it was my dream computer. The one I knew would make all the difference in my business. With this office and the computer, I not only looked legit, but I’d also be able to do more with my designs.

Harrison stepped into my space, dropping my hand to cup my face. “I did this for you. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

His eyes widened as my heart thumped wildly in my chest. I hadn’t said it last night because I needed this confirmation that it was real. I was scared to put myself out there, but this was a huge gesture from him. He wanted me to stay.

He crowded into my space, his hand touching a strand of my hair. “I didn’t know if you felt the same.”

“How could I not? I just had to be sure.”

“I’m a sure thing. I’m not going anywhere.”

“But it’s too much,” I said weakly, searching for any reason why this was too good to be true.

“It’s not enough. I’ve searched my whole life for a love like this and never came close to finding it. I thought because you were a friend, you couldn’t or shouldn’t be more, but I was wrong.” He gestured between us. “This is right.”

“It feels right to me too.” I was overwhelmed by the dinner and the gift of the library. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll marry me.” Harrison hesitated for a second before dropping to one knee. “This isn’t exactly how I planned this, but I love you. I want you to be part of my family.Ourfamily, mine and Wren’s. I wanted to show you that fairy tales really exist, remember?”

“That’s what this is—a fairy tale?” Was it part of some elaborate scheme to prove something to me?

“Me, you, and Wren. We’re a family. A fairy tale. And this is our happy ending.”

I covered my heart with my free hand, lost in his words. They were beautiful and almost too good to be true. But I’d promised myself I’d be open to more possibilities. I’d be open to love. Not closed off as I had been in the past. Part of that was believing and trusting when Harrison said he loved me and that he wanted to take this to the next level.

I was afraid to ask if this was part of the original plan when we’d discussed how being engaged would be better for his custody case. But this felt real, and I wanted to believe it was so badly.

Harrison’s words and expression were genuine. He grabbed something from his pocket, a white velvet box. He opened it to reveal his gran’s ring.

“I had it resized. I took one of your rings to the jeweler.” He slid it onto my finger, and I held my hand out to admire it. “It’s gorgeous.”

It wasn’t huge, but it had this vintage feel to it, and it held so much meaning because I knew how much his grandmother loved his grandfather.

Harrison turned my hand and kissed the ring. “Everly, will you marry me and give Wren and me our happily ever after?”

Love bloomed like a flower after the rain in my chest. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” I’d dreamed of this moment, never thinking Harrison would see me this way. But he did.

He stood and kissed me. It wasn’t soft or tentative. It was passionate and all-consuming. He lifted me so that I sat on the desk. “I think we should christen this desk.”

I smiled, grateful the draft table was already placed in the flat position. “I agree.”

He let out a disbelieving laugh. “I love you, fiancée.”
