Page 104 of Forbidden Want

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“To you I’m…” He thought about it for a second before meeting her eye again, stroking the hair by her temple. “Do rún.”

“You’re do rún?” she asked, trying to copy the accent. He kept caressing but gave a single nod. “I didn’t know the language was so sexy.” She sighed. “I’d love to just lie here and listen to your words all night. Your accent melts me all the way through. And you’re going to take it, take the way you make me feel, away forever.”

“Tonight is ours,” he said.

“Evander will come looking for me tomorrow.”

“And I’ll tell him we both lost you.”

Rising, she straddled him, taking hold of the headboard behind him to support her weight. “I’ll always be in your corner too… No one can take what only we know.”


LYING ON THE COUCH, some infomercial was playing on the TV as she typed on the laptop balanced on her stomach.

The first sound stopped her typing. There was a click, a snap and…

Grabbing up the laptop, she put it on the floor as she flipped over to watch the front door over the edge of the arm of the couch.

Damn, she needed a gun, should have got a gun from somewhere.

The door swung open. As soon as she registered her brother, she exhaled.

“What the hell?” she exclaimed, throwing off her blanket to leap up. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Oh, good, you are alive,” Lachlan said, tucking something into his pocket.

His lock pick doohickey, no doubt.

“I’m calling the cops,” she said, snatching her phone from the end table.

He opened his arms. “At your service.”

“You know you swore to serve and protect,” she said, shaking her phone at him. “How is breaking into an innocent woman’s apartment protection?”

He sauntered to her fridge. “If you answered your phone, I wouldn’t have to break in,” he said, sniffing a box of three- or four-day-old Chinese food. His face contorted in disgust. “Shit, looks like I showed up just in time.”

“You didn’t show up just in time. You shouldn’t have shown up at all.”

He swung the fridge door closed to wander over. “You do remember, like, two weeks ago being attacked and hospitalized?”

“Yes, I do, but—”

“And I told you I was worried about you, asked you to stay at mine.” He stopped in front of her, a frown forming as he surveyed the living room before finally zeroing in on her. “Who was he?”

“Who was who?”

“The only time you live on take out and work on the couch with the TV playing bullshit is if you’ve had your heart broken.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“It’s Wednesday, you get that? Steeple hasn’t seen you since last week. If this is the trauma catching up to you—”

“This is nothing catching up to me. In fact, I ordered a ‘Dealing with Trauma’ audio package already.”

“It’s not working.”

“These things take time,” she said, watching him go around her to step over the laptop and sit down. “I didn’t invite you to stay.”
