Page 74 of Forbidden Want

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“Threatening my friends?” she asked. He kissed her neck again and let go to walk away. Without his contact, her body ached. She turned to the concerned Strat, still sitting at the table. “Did you talk to Lach?”

“I leave that to Im, but yeah, she has. He wants to talk to you.”

“I bet he does,” she said, drinking some more.

“Your cop brother know about you and the boss?” Daly asked.

“No,” Connel said before she could open her mouth. “Niall’s got word out to the guys. Mention her name next to mine and you’re finished with me.”

They’d come far from the guy threatening to broadcast their intimacy to the whole world.

“You got it, Boss.”

“Go do your jobs.”

She opened her mouth to stall Strat but thought better of it before she spoke. Yeah, she didn’t want her friend to leave, but she also wanted to find out what was going on in Connel’s head.

She drank some more juice, turning to meet Connel’s eye as the other men walked away. The door closed and then… silence.

She put the juice on the counter, licking the sweetness from her lips.

“No more games?”

He sauntered closer and leaned in, planting his hands on the edge of the counter on either side of her, penning her in.

“Do you want to play games, Macushla?”

She smiled. “Tell me what that means.” The corner of his lips rose as he unlocked his elbows to dip down and kiss his favorite spot above her clavicle. “Thank you for letting me sleep.”

Kissing her neck, his fingers popped one of her buttons, two buttons, and kept on going. “Mm,” he said in acknowledgment.

“Are there cameras here?”

“You want there to be cameras?” he asked, stooping to kiss along her collarbone and back.

When his lips brushed her pressure point, she exhaled ecstasy. “You always do that.”

“Turn you on?” he asked, opening her shirt to crouch lower and kiss her breast. “You make the most incredible noises.”

He boosted her onto the counter and her lips curved. “You ask me what I want. Do I want cameras? Do I want blondes?”

“The blondes don’t come here.”

“I don’t want the blondes,” she said, combing her fingers into his hair as he kissed her nipple.

“How careful do I have to be?”

“My bruises are still tender, but I know you’d never hurt me.” She laughed, raising her knees to rest her calves against him. “Outside the playroom anyway.”

“That’s not what I was talking about,” he said, rising to plant his hands on the counter again.

No, the somber demeanor he landed on her betrayed his meaning.

The answer to that question was she didn’t know. What she did know? She wanted no other man close to her.

“Maybe you’ll have to be patient.”

Skimming his hands down her thighs, he coiled them around his hips and cradled her ass, picking her up.
