Page 15 of Now You See Me

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“You’re coming with me.” He gave a low chuckle. “I enjoyed chasing after you. It makes it so much fun, but you can’t outrun me. Playtime is over. Be a good girl and do as I say.”

Confused and gasping for every breath, Jenell slid the fingers of one hand under the noose and pulled hard, but it didn’t budge. She was under his control and right now he decided if she lived or died. Staying alive was her priority. She had to negotiate with him. It was her only chance of survival. “I can’t breathe. If you want me to walk, you’ll need to loosen it some.”

“No can do.” He dragged her to her feet as if she weighed nothing and gave her a shove in the back. “Move. Straight ahead to the fire road. We’re going to take a ride. My truck is just up there. Be good now. If you scream again or kick me like a mule, I’ll knock you out and carry you over my shoulder. It’s your choice—the hard way or the easy way. What’s it to be, princess?”

Jenell stared into his unyielding expression. She’d be able to pick him out in a lineup and memorized every inch of his face. “Okay, okay. I’ll do as you say, just don’t hurt me.”

Others might be using the fire road and if she got into his vehicle, he’d have to go along a highway. Someone would hear her if she screamed, and she might be able to escape. She bit back the wave of terror gripping her and moved ahead on trembling legs. Maybe if she talked to him, he’d let her go. “Why did you choose me?”

“I’ve been watching you for a time.” The stranger wrapped his hand around her long hair and sniffed it. “You’re perfect. I like an angelic face. It makes it all so much better.”

Horror gripped her. Was he planning on raping her or keeping her locked up as a sex slave? Heart pounding in her ears, she staggered forward. She could smell him and the odor coming from him was like death. As they broke through the forest, ahead of them the fire road stretched out wide and deserted. On one side sat a large black truck. When he pushed her forward, she hung back terrified of what might happen. She flicked her eyes both ways, but no one walked in the forest. She must do something and, pretending to faint, collapsed to the ground.

“Stupid woman. Didn’t you figure I’d know all the tricks in the book by now?” He dragged her up by the hair. “Get up or I’ll hurt you real bad. I have a knife. Do you want me to cut your throat? Stand up. I’m over being nice to you.”

Trembling, she staggered to her feet. Shaking with terror, she fought back the tears streaming down her face. “Okay, what do you want me to do?”

Pushed hard toward the back of the truck, she stood motionless as he opened the hatch. Inside was lined with plastic and she turned to look at him over one shoulder as the stark realization that there’d be no escape hit her in the pit of the stomach. She turned and punched him hard in the ribs, lashing out, once, twice, three times, but it made no impression on him but sent pain shooting up her arms. It was like hitting a brick wall. In desperation, she kicked at his legs, but he pulled her closer.

“Is that all you’ve got?” His face cracked into a wide smile. “You’re like an annoying fly.”

When she lashed out with her nails, he ducked away, laughing just as the leash around her neck tightened. Spun around, his hand came down hard between her shoulder blades and her chest struck the metal tray. Air rushed from her lungs and she couldn’t take a breath. Desperately gasping small sips of air as the noose tightened, she fought for survival. The next moment, he was on her with his knee pressed into her back. Pinned like a butterfly on display, she dug her nails into the slippery plastic to gain a hold. Unable to breathe, her body jerked. The noose cut deep, sending white-hot shards of pain into her head. Behind her, she could hear him, humming a Christmas jingle. As her sight slowly failed, her thoughts went to the gifts so lovingly wrapped under the Christmas tree. The pain had gone now and all she could see in her mind was a twinkle of light, like the star on the top of her tree.


On the drive back home from the hospital, Kane glanced at Jenna. She’d been more concerned about him than herself. When he’d seen her covered in blood and sprawled across the hood of the Beast, he thought his heart would burst. Memories of losing Annie, his first wife, in an explosion flashed into his mind. He’d lost both his wife and unborn child that day. The pain had come back in a wave of nausea as he ran blindly to Jenna. She’d been out cold and he’d just held her until Wolfe peeled him away from her. He couldn’t let her go, too afraid if he did, she’d die.

“Headache any better?” Jenna squeezed his thigh. “You haven’t said two words to me since we left the hospital.”

Kane covered her hand and sighed. “Mine? Yeah, I’ll be fine, but your head must be sore. You took a beating, Jenna. You could have died in the explosion.”

“It’s not like you to dwell on things, Dave.” Jenna turned in her seat to look at him. “We’ve been through worse than this and it’s not the first time we’ve been blown up. I’m fine, the MRI was clear and I’m glad you haven’t broken your wrist. It’s all good.”

Holding back a sudden rush of emotion, Kane swallowed hard. “What if you’d been pregnant, Jenna? A baby wouldn’t have survived.” He glanced at her. “We need to rethink how we’re going to work around a pregnancy.”

“I know this brings back bad memories, Dave, but I can’t live my life worrying every second what might happen.” Jenna squeezed his hand. “Have you considered I might not be able to carry a child? I’m not getting any younger. I asked Wolfe and he gave me the name of a doctor in Helena. We’ll go and see her and then we’ll know for sure. Wolfe says I should be optimistic. He figures women in their forties have babies all the time, so I should have plenty of time yet.” She looked at him. “I know you want us to have a baby and I feel as if I’m letting you down.”

Shaking his head, Kane stared at the road. “That’s not what’s worrying me, Jenna, and by all means, see a doctor if you need answers. I’m more concerned about you being pregnant on the job.”

“Don’t go there.” Jenna pulled her hand away. “We’ve discussed this before and made plans. I have a team to step in when necessary. I’m not stupid. Do you honestly believe I’d risk the life of our child?”

Turning the Beast into their driveway, Kane waited for the gate to slide open. “You’re stubborn and I can just imagine the week before our baby is due you’ll be hunting down a serial killer wielding an ax.” He glanced at her. “I know, even after what’s happened today, if I insist you take a shower and go straight to bed, you’ll refuse.”

“Me? Why don’t you take a long look at yourself, Dave. You’re exhausted and in pain. I know you too well. You can’t hide it from me. You’re in no shape to tend the horses.” Jenna stared at him. “I intend to help, and as you haven’t eaten for hours, I’ll make dinner. I’ve been resting and you haven’t stopped since the wreck.”

I might be hungry and in pain, but I could keep going for hours if necessary.Kane blew out a breath and drove into the garage. “See, you never take good advice. I can handle the horses. The new system with six stables makes life easier. I just move them out of one stall into a prepared clean one and then I can leave the mucking out for the morning. Five minutes and I’ll be inside. There’s a casserole in the freezer and I’ll pop it into the microwave. There are mashed potatoes left over from yesterday.” He turned and looked at her. “We’re both battered and bruised, Jenna. Let’s not argue.”

“I’m not arguing but I’ll need time to soak in the hot tub before dinner.” She stepped from the Beast.

Kane opened the door for Duke to jump down and then went to her side. “I’ll walk you to the house. You’ll need to shower to remove the blood from your hair before you climb into the hot tub.”

“What about getting the wound wet?” Jenna ran her fingertips over the bandage on her forehead.

Kane pushed back her hair and smiled at her. “Wolfe said he covered it with a waterproof bandage, but I’ll redress the wound when you’re done.”

“Okay.” Jenna cupped the back of his head and kissed him. “There, Mr. Grumpy, is that better?” She sighed and looked into his eyes. “I’ll feed the animals and head for the shower. You don’t need to walk me the twenty yards to the door. I’ll manage just fine. I have Duke as a bodyguard.” She gave him a wave and headed for the house.

Kane stared after her. “You’ll be the death of me, Jenna.”
