Page 47 of Now You See Me

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“Yeah, so it seems. She must resemble someone he particularly disliked.” Wolfe indicated to the X-rays on the screen. “He hit her so hard he fractured her skull.”

Trying to see any sign of a pattern, Jenna shook her head. “There are so many differences here. If I hadn’t captured Maisy, we’d have never suspected this guy.”

“Yeah, we did. He was on our list.” Kane shrugged. “It was only a matter of time. He made his first mistake by recruiting Maisy to help him.”

“Any signs of sexual assault?” Jo moved closer.

“Nope, none at all.” Wolfe covered the first body and indicated to Webber to return it to the refrigerated drawer.

“I’m trying to figure out his motive.” Jo glanced at Kane. “I’m seeing different types of people, different ages and sexes. This is so out of character for most of the psychopaths I’ve researched or interviewed previously. They usually always have their own preferred types.”

Thinking over Maisy Jones’ statement, Jenna looked from Jo to Kane. “I think you’re missing something. Maisy mentioned people were only nice to him over the holidays, so maybe he committed these crimes over all the holidays throughout the years. I think the emphasis is on people. So he collected a random selection of people. Perhaps all those who looked like those who had been nasty to him during the year in one way or another.”

“Or how he remembered them from a traumatic childhood.” Jo let out a long sigh. “I hope Kalo finds something in Oakley’s background to give us more insight into why he killed so many people.”

“Why the need to display them?” Carter stared at Jenna.

The whole horrific picture fell into place and Jenna lifted her chin, confident she had the solution. “For whatever reason they hurt or bullied him, I figure by displaying them, in his twisted mind, he was showing everyone how bullies can appear to be nice on the outside and rotten inside.”



Snow had fallen heavily overnight, and Jenna had woken to a winter wonderland. The blanket of white was thick on the ground and frosted the trees all the way from the ranch up into the mountains. Her house was full to bursting with happy people. They had spent the day preparing a feast and decorating the Christmas tree. It now stood proud in the corner of the family room with gifts piled up to the first branches. They had spent a short time at breakfast discussing the case. Maisy Jones had pleaded guilty to assisting Matthew Oakley in the death of Ginger Vaughn and the attempted abduction of Cooper Rowley. Her case was held over for sentencing until the new year. She would spend time in the state pen and once her sentence was complete would face murder charges in Idaho. The Nampa PD had a convincing case against her, after finding a bottle of liquid heroin with her fingerprints on it in her garbage. One small mistake would cost her any hope of freedom, but then they all make mistakes in the end.

Bobby Kalo had discovered some information on Matthew Oakley’s past life. He had spent time in the foster care system as a child but had been adopted at the age of ten into a family that had been involved in a cult and later arrested for neglect of their six children, who’d been kept in appalling conditions and tortured. His name had been changed once more, and he’d worked his way through college. He’d become an auto club mechanic, moving from town to town. It was during this time, going on the FBI cold cases matched to his photograph collection, that Oakley had started his deadly campaign. The whereabouts of the victims would be under investigation for a long time.

“Hey, no more thinking about cases.” Kane pulled on his boots and stood. “This is our time now. Time with our friends to make memories to take with us into old age.”

To Jenna, he looked so fine, not dressed in his usual black, but in blue jeans and a dark blue sweater that matched his eyes. His hair combed just right and wearing cologne. He rarely wore cologne on the job in case the bad guys smelled him coming. She smiled and went to him. “Okay, I promise. I’m so glad Wolfe is bringing Norrell to dinner. It wouldn’t be the same without him and the girls. Rio, Cade and Piper will be here as well. Oh, and Rowley is bringing Sandy and the twins over in the morning for a spell. I know they want to spend Christmas with their families, but I so want to see the twins’ faces when they open the gifts, Jaime’s too.”

“It was a fun time for me and my sister too.” Kane pulled her close. “We’re lucky we have friends, although I like being alone with you. Someone asked me why we spend all our time together, and I told them because we’re best friends as well as spouses.”

Jenna giggled and hugged him. “Well, I have Sandy, Jo, Em, Julie, Rio’s sister Piper, and now Norrell to go on a girls’ night out if the need arises.” She grinned. “And you guys prefer to go fishing and visit the rifle range before sneaking into Aunt Betty’s.”

“Oh, we don’t mind a night of playing cards and pool at the Cattleman’s Hotel either, but with Carter it’s sometimes difficult to enjoy ourselves.”

Jenna stared at him. “How so?”

“Carter seems to attract an entourage of women when he’s not with Jo.” Kane shrugged. “They find him attractive, I guess. Wolfe can look at them and they keep away, but they seem to figure if we’re out on the town, we’re available, which is fine for Carter but not for me or Rowley.”

“What about Rio?” Jenna frowned. “He’s single.”

“Nah, he has his sights set firmly on Emily.” Kane chuckled. “He makes excuses and walks away.” He pushed her hair behind one ear and kissed her. “Ready?”

Jenna sighed. “Yeah, let’s go.”

They left the dogs asleep, in front of the fire, and headed out to town along the freshly salted roads. The moon had peeked through the clouds, sending a blue hue across the lowlands. It was in these times, when fresh snow had just fallen and the clouds had parted to reveal stars twinkling in a blue-black sky, that Jenna found peace and contentment. As they arrived in town, they could see people bundled up against the cold, heading toward the hastily erected Nativity scene in the park opposite Aunt Betty’s Café. The local band was playing and braziers with red hot coals sat along the edge of the park to warm everyone. As the choir burst into song, Jenna stood surrounded by friends and joined in singing loudly along to all her favorite carols.

Jenna and Kane had celebrated their own special Christmas earlier in the day. They’d wanted a private moment to exchange their gifts. Jenna fingered the diamond snowflake earrings that matched the necklace Kane had given her the previous year. He had been thrilled with his gift. It was a silver belt buckle with his initials around the outside and, in the center, a rearing black stallion like his horse, Warrior. Jenna had it made for him by a friend of Atohi Blackhawk, their Native American friend. She snuggled into him and sang off key, making him laugh. She smiled at her friends surrounding her and looked up at Kane. “You know, Dave, it doesn’t get more perfect than this.”

“Yeah, it will.” Kane grinned at her. “Our story together has just begun.”

* * *
