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Chapter One

The previous year

Saturday, July 26

“You okay?” Cutter Bryant, her best friend and pseudo older brother, squeezed her hand as they stepped onto the back patio of his boss’s home.

Brea Bell took in the chaotic summer party—the smoking barbecue, the loud music, the clinking beers, and male laughter booming from his fellow operatives at EM Security Management, none of whom seemed to have brought a date. She was the only woman in the yard, and suddenly every man seemed to turn and focus on her. “A little overwhelmed.”

“I’m not surprised. It’s hot as hellfire tonight, and there’s a lot of testosterone here.” He glanced at the handful of men clustered in conversation across the lawn.

“You tried to tell me.”

“For your own good. But you’re a stubborn thing. Always have been.” He gave her an encouraging smile. “Try to have some fun, huh?”

She nodded. “Thanks for inviting me. Daddy has been encouraging me to get out of the house and spread my wings a little.”

But he would never let her spend an evening out with a man he didn’t know well and wholeheartedly approve of. Since Cutter had known her from birth, he was one of the few who fit into that category.

“You need to find your future, Bre-bee. It’s time.”

Cutter was right. She couldn’t simply be the preacher’s dutiful daughter, helping Daddy care for the residents of tiny Sunset, Louisiana, for the rest of her life. She and Cutter had talked about that more than once. Brea agreed…but she didn’t know where to start. Since she enjoyed helping the folks in town look and feel their best, she’d gone to cosmetology school rather than college. Nothing she loved more than contributing, relieving, serving, and assisting others. Their happiness fed her own.

But lately, she’d been fighting a restlessness brewing inside her. A wildness, like the devil was whispering temptation in her ear. Brea didn’t dare answer, no matter how alluring the siren call.

“It is.” She tucked a strand of her long caramel hair behind her ear and peered Cutter’s way. “So your teammates came alone tonight. Does that mean they’re, um…single?”

“All of them, except the bosses.” He slanted her a sideways glance. “You’re not looking to get married right away, are you? There’s more to life than that.”

Sometimes his overprotective nature meant he treated her not just like the younger sister he’d never had, but a girl.

“Of course I know. But I’m almost twenty-two and I’ve been on exactly two dates in my life. I think I’m entitled to want male companionship.”

“Yeah. I just don’t know if this is the best place to look. These men are hardened warriors—special operators, spies, snipers… They have to leave unexpectedly at a moment’s notice. They’ve seen things, done things…”

“You, too. But you’re a defender. A protector. And you’re perfectly wonderful. Some woman will be lucky to have you someday.”

But it wouldn’t be her. Her connection with Cutter was—and always had been—purely platonic. Neither of them wanted their relationship any other way.

“I’m not in any hurry to get married. But, contrary to what you say, I suspect you are. So…” He sighed. “I’ll give you some background before I introduce you around. Remember, I told you that Caleb Edgington formed this team a few years back, then turned it over to his sons? Hunter, his older”—he pointed to the hard-jawed man grilling burgers—“is a former SEAL. He’s married to Kata, who’s probably in the kitchen with his brother’s wife. Logan, his younger, is also a former SEAL. He’s the guy at the cooler watching Tara, the redhead, through the window with that dirty leer.”

Brea was relieved to learn she wasn’t the only woman here. “And the others?”

“Hunter and Logan’s stepbrother, Joaquin Muñoz, is former NSA. He’s the tall one with his back to the fence in the circle of men across the yard. His wife, Bailey, is a ballerina, but she’s on tour right now. Josiah Grant, the buff guy next to him, is former CIA. The other two, Zy and Trees, are tight. They served together in some government program I’m not privy to know about.” Cutter rolled his eyes. “Trees’ real name is Forest Scott but everyone calls him Trees because—”

“He’s incredibly tall.” Brea blinked. “Wow.”

“Exactly. He’s a cyber security specialist and he’s exceptionally good at it. And his buddy Zy—”

“Looks a lot like Zac Efron. The grown-up version, not the Disney kid.”

Cutter laughed. “Which is why he’s nicknamed Zyron. His real name is Chase Garrett, but around here he doesn’t answer to that. Besides being our class clown, he’s our demolitions guy. He loves blowing stuff up.”

“That’s a little scary, but…” Brea let out a breath. She’d come here to get out of her sheltered bubble and meet people. “You should probably introduce me to everyone on your team.”

Cutter hesitated. “Yeah. I’m just going to warn you… We’re missing one, Pierce Walker. I don’t know if the bastard will show tonight. He’s a loner, and you’re not missing much. But if he turns up, avoid him, you hear me? He’s no good.”
