Page 9 of Greed

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“I always told him you were a loose cannon. I always knew you weren’t right in the head, but this? To threaten me, your brother, in our father’s house, that is preposterous, Luka.”

“Is it? This was my mother’s home too. And knowing what I know, I don’t think she would disagree with me.”

“Why is that?”

“You’re a user, Romano. You take and use until there is nothing left, then toss the poor woman to the side as if she’s nothing.”

“And you’re so different? Would you be better for her? You killed the one person she was closest to. Do you honestly think she would have you?” I shake my head and run my hand through my hair.

“No. I never said she would, but I also know she wants love, and you can’t give her that.”

“And you could?”

“Father made me who I am. I’m not capable of loving anyone thanks to him.”

“You can’t blame this all on father. You could have said no to that first kill, Luka.”

“When was it an option?” I ask in return, knowing damn good and well that my first kill was an order, and you don’t defy his orders.

“It was always an option,fratello.”

“No. For you, it was an option. For me, it was an order. There’s a difference, Romano. One that you seem to have forgotten.”

“Is all of this really over the wedding? Or is there something more?”

“You want to share feelings,fratello? You want to talk about how much we both hate our lives? Is that what you want?” the tailor chuckles to himself before I cut my eyes at him. Then he immediately stops and looks the other way.

“I don’t think we need to share anything at all, Luka. It is what it is. If you have a problem with it, take it up with father.”

Chapter 5

Take it up with father. As if I hadn’t done that already.

Like the good son, I was fitted for my tuxedo before heading to my father’s office to talk business. And that’s where I’ve been for the last hour. Drink after drink, I listen to him talk about his plans for the future and this merger of the families. For the most part, I tune him out, only listening to the important things he has to say. The rest doesn’t register with me.

“The reception will be filled with other capos. I expect you to be on your best behavior,” he tells me as I smoke a cigarette.

“My best behavior?”

“Yes, Luka. I don’t want to hear any talk about the wedding just because you didn’t agree to it.Comprendere?”

“I understand perfectly, Father. There will be no talk of the wedding.” Lies. There will be talk about the wedding, just not coming from me. What I have planned is far beyond anything anyone will see coming. They won’t expect it, or me for that matter. And that’s perfect. I like being the ghost. The one no one else sees. They couldn’t stop me if they tried and knew of my plans. Believe me; they would try.

“Why are you being so compliant?” he asks as I grab the glass off his desk and down the liquid. It burns as it coats my throat and slides down.

“Compliant? I’m not being compliant. Don’t mistake my agreeance for compliance, Father.”

“Then why are you agreeing, Luka?”

“I want this wedding called off. You’re refusing to do that along with myfratello,so I will do as I see fit to handle the situation at hand,” I tell him. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat as he watches me. He has to know something is up, that there’s something more going on in this head of mine.

“What do you plan to do, Luka?”

“None of your concern.”

“If you ruin this merger, if you so much as fuck up one second of this wedding, I will see to it that you never walk again,” he tells me. I smirk at that. He has no business telling me anything of the sort.

“The merger won’t be ruined, Father. This I can promise you.” It just isn’t going to go exactly how he planned it.
