Page 97 of Falling for the CEO

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Chapter Twenty-Five


Iarrived in frontof Penny's building half an hour too early. When I’d been on the way, she texted me to come up when I got there. Stepping out of the car, I glanced at the surroundings. It was a safe neighborhood, but it didn't even look residential. More industrial.

Upstairs, the door was half open. I stepped right inside without knocking. The place smelled great. Like she’d just baked something.

"You shouldn't leave your door open like this," I said.

She was moving around in the living room. "I usually don’t, but I knew you were coming."

I glanced around. "You got rid of the TV console."

"Yeah, and the small bookshelf that was there." She pointed to the empty space by the window.

"What you want to do tonight?"

"We can go and watch the sunset together. Maybe at the harbor. We can do a picnic of sorts. I even prepared some snacks for us."

I couldn't believe it. "You don't want to go to a restaurant or something?"

“I'd like us to enjoy the evening outdoors. I think June is the best month to be outside. If you don't want to, we can do something else. I can eat those snacks by myself." She winked.

"No, that's fine. Actually, it's more than fine. I'm just not used to... paying attention to stuff like the sunset."

"Why not? It's so beautiful. I'm ready to go if you are," she said, pointing at a bag on the table. "Our goodies are there."

"I can't believe you actually prepped stuff. We could have bought something on the way."

She shrugged. "This is different. I put my soul into it."

I kissed her forehead, dipping my hand down to her cheek and farther down to her neck.

She gasped lightly when I kissed her neck. "Spencer, one of the reasons I wanted us to go for a picnic was to be alone, but if you'd much rather stay indoors...," she murmured.

“Nah, let’s go enjoy the sunset.”

I took her hand, and she grabbed the bag. "Let's go. If we stay inside any longer, we'll get other ideas,” I said.

“To be fair, I'm not even sure that the bed can take any of our sexy activities. It's practically falling apart."
