Page 34 of The Exception

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The only warning I had was a pause in Eli’s grunts, and a shudder, before he spilled his load down the back of my throat. I loved the way he tasted, filling my mouth while my own erection hung free, waiting for attention.

The incredible sounds Kandace was making said she was coming too. I lost myself in both, still licking Eli, until he shuddered away from my touch, and slipped out past my lips.

He sank to his knees next to me, grabbed my hand, and used both our grips to fist my cock. This was nothing like before. There was no uncertainty or hesitation. We both wanted—needed—this.

His grip was tight around mine, almost too much, but also not enough. I lost myself in the sensation of the two of us jerking me off. I was already so turned on, so close thanks to Kandace and Eli’s pleasures, that it didn’t take much to draw me to orgasm.

My entire body tensed as I came, and I felt the shudder of release spill from me. I didn’t care that the mess got all over my clothes. The only thing that mattered was how incredible it felt being those close to Eli again. Having Kandace here watching us.

A tiny voice in the back of my head reminded me this wasn’t a long-term deal. Not for either of them. Not for me.

That didn’t mean I had to stop enjoying the moment. In fact, it was the biggest reason to make the most of this.

“There weren’t any hotdogs at the convenience store that were pierced.” Eli’s voice was lighter. More playful.

I liked that. “Mine’s also not overcooked, or up for sale to anyone who walks in.”

“I should clean up a little.” Light glistened off Kandace’s sticky, slick fingers as she stood.


“Wait.” Eli extracted himself from our two-person pile, his half-hard dick hanging out. He grabbed Kandace’s wrist. “Austin’s gotten to taste you and I haven’t.” He drew two of her fingers into his mouth, and sucked them slowly.

She groaned as he licked her clean.

Should I be ready to go again already? Becausefuckthat was hot.

When Eli finished, he pressed his mouth to Kandace’s. So much for not kissing. Not that I minded. A dangerous blend of lust and jealousy spilled inside, and I couldn’t fight either.

Eli finally let go. “Now you should go clean up.”

Kandace’s playful smirk was worth a million bucks, and she vanished into the bathroom.

I forced myself to my feet as well. “I should take a hint from her. Change my clothes… or something?” Cum stained my shirt and splattered the front of my jeans.

“That’s that?” Eli asked. “You just jerk and squirt and run?”

“As opposed to…?” I didn’t want to go.

The bathroom door was open a crack. “We could call Gage. See if he’ll send over some more of that beer.” Kandace’s suggestion floated out.

That sounded like a bad idea.

I was so in.

* * *

When I woke up,my head was pounding. My foot hurt too. Not a lot, but it was the kind of ache that made me think it would be worse in a few hours. It was bright in here. I could tell without opening my eyes. And loud.

What happened?

I’d been in Eli’s room. With him and Kandace. The lighting wasn’t so harsh in there.Fuckmy foot hurt.

I forced my eyes open.

“Hey.” A bleary-eyed Kandace smiled at me.

The setting was wrong. Sound stage?
