Page 38 of The Exception

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“Are you?” I asked.

Another sigh, this one heavier and more exaggerated. “I’m fine.”

Uh-huh. Now that we’d moved past theMom’s date unalived herpart of the conversation, I could find out why he’d messaged me to begin with. “What’s wrong?”

“Mitch came over, and the studying was really good, and then I read the signals wrong, and oh. My. God. I tried to kiss him. My life is over.”

I was never this kind of drama queen as a kid, but I was grateful Lucas felt comfortable expressing himself. If I’d done that with my own parents…

Anyway, “Are you sure that was what happened?”

“There aren’t a lot of ways to interpretmwah”—he made a loud kissing sound—“Oh, my phone, I need to go.” His voice dropped an octave, I assumed to indicate that was what the other man had said.

“Unless he actually had to go.” I suspected that things really had fallen apart, but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions.

Lucas’s sigh was pure frustration. “Sure. Will you be out all day with your date?” His tone softened.

I heard the underlying question. The one he wouldn’t ask, but wanted to.Will you be around to spend some time with me? I wasn’t going to leave him alone if he needed company. “I’m about an hour out. But as soon as I get back, I’ll call you. We’ll go get brunch.”

“Thank you, Mom. Love you.”

“Love you too.” I hung up, and tugged on my clothes. While nothing about Lucas’s situation was life-threatening or even dangerous, guilt settled in that I hadn’t been available when he needed me. Worse, that I’d made him worry, especially on top of his freaking out.

With the sun dancing outside, and reality hovering around me, it was easy for me to put impulsive-Kandace back in her box. Sure, last night was a blast, the kind of thing I’d remember for ages, and probably tell Carly and Daria about, between wine and giggles.

Because I’d have to be a little tipsy to admit some of the things I’d done.

Masturbating to my one-night stand sucking off my maybe-boyfriend. Insane. And also,H.O.T.

Speaking of, I found both men in the kitchen, Joystick with his foot propped up on a second chair, and Eli sitting across from him. Neither was speaking.

I had no idea how they were going to make the next few weeks work, with the hot and cold they were already running.

“Everything all right?” Eli asked.

I nodded. “My son needs me. I have to go.”

“I hope it’s not bad.” Joystick looked concerned.

“Nothing physical. His heart will recover, too.” I didn’t want to get into details, but I could give them enough to ease their worries.

Joystick’s expression changed in a blink, and I was surprised a lightbulb didn’t appear above his head. “You could bring him up here.”

“I’d love to meet him,” Eli added.

Yeah, no. That was exactly what I didn’t need.Hey, these are your childhood idols. They used to be in love, exactly like you thought, and by the way, one of them has his dick pierced and they give incredible orgasms. Ask me how I know. “I think we’re just going to hang out closer to home.”

“Totally makes sense.” Despite Joystick’s words, his expression had fallen.

Eli wore a faint scowl as well.

I wanted to reassure him—them—but telling them they weren’t my dirty little secret would be a lie. “But if you want me to grab any of your things while I’m down there, check you out of your hotel, I’d be happy to.”

“That’d be great” Joystick’s enthusiasm had gone. He gave me an address, his room key, and some information about what to grab.

So, uh… this was awkward. How did one saysee you laterafter all of that?

“I’ll walk you to the door.” Eli to the rescue.
