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“That would be correct,” Logan tells her.

Gigi lets out a heavy sigh, but something tells me it’s not because she’s annoyed. “Damn, I guess I’ll be tagging along. But be warned, my ass is not getting on a dirt bike. And . . . there better be snacks. I don’t go anywhere without snacks.”

Logan scoffs. “Trust me, there are always snacks,” he says. “And as for getting on a bike, unfortunately, that’s not your call to make. But don’t worry, Sean’s a great teacher. He’ll have you performing backflips in no time.”

I go to snatch the phone out of Logan’s hand, desperate for him to shut the fuck up. I mean, it’s clearly obvious he’s trying to throw this girl in my face, but we don’t know a damn thing about her. She probably has a boyfriend and isn’t interested in falling victim to one of Logan’s fucked-up games. He knows I’m not fucking ready for this shit, so I don’t know why he’s pushing it. All he’s doing is setting us both up, and at some point, I’m gonna have to push her away and hurt her, which isn’t fair to her.

Logan pulls his hand out of my way and joyously continues his conversation with Gigi.

“Oh, geez,” she laughs in the sweetest tone, making me wonder what kind of person she is. Though, judging from the way she jumped straight to Georgie’s rescue and is happily chatting away with a complete stranger, I feel as though she’s the kind of woman I wouldn’t mind Georgie spending time with.

Damn it. I’ll go through with this ridiculous trip, but that’s it. Logan’s right . . . again. I owe this girl the world. The least I can do is show her just how thankful I am. Besides, it will give me a chance to get Georgie on a dirt bike for the first time.

“Text your address to this number and Sean will pick you up at nine.”

“Nine?” she gasps, cutting off Logan’s instructions.

“Yes, nine. We don’t want to lose any daylight.”

“Fuck me,” she mutters. “Daylight? Are you sure the sun is even out of bed before nine?”

Logan laughs then finally lets her go, hopefully to get some more rest after working the night shift. But he doesn’t let her go until making her promise to send her address, threatening that if she doesn’t, he’s going to call her non-stop until she does.

He gingerly hands me my phone with a wicked sparkle in his eyes, and we both look down at the stupid thing as a text message comes through. I open the message to find her address, and I can’t help but smirk at the proud look on Logan’s face.

“Looks like you got yourself a date, brother,” he says as he claps me on the back.

“It’s not a date,” I say, barely managing to resist punching the fucker right in the face. “I’m just doing this to say thank you for saving my daughter’s life.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night, bro.”

I narrow my eyes at the dickhead before looking down at my watch. “Shit, I’ve got to go,” I tell him. “Tell Georgie I love her, and don’t let her run around too much. I can’t have her back in the hospital again.”

“Don’t worry about her. We’ve got it handled,” he says. “Go nail the bastard.”

“I always do,” I grin, referring to my conviction rate in the courthouse.

With that, I race out the door, determined not to be late for one of the biggest cases of the year.

Chapter 6


What the fuck just happened?

It’s one thing to call a girl and tell her thanks, but it’s a whole other thing for that girl to agree to go dirt bike riding. What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t wanna do that. But there’s no denying Sean’s friend . . . or brother . . . or . . . I don’t know. Whoever he is, he’s a conniving little manipulator in the best kind of way. I don’t know how it happened, but he laid on the charm and had me eating out of the palm of his hand. Hell, at one point, I could have sworn it might have even been my idea.

I was fast asleep and had been for the past five hours when the call came in, so maybe that’s why I agreed. I clearly wasn’t awake enough for that shit. Though, they seem fun, and I find myself oddly excited to see Sean again. Apart from the fact that I have absolutely no idea how to ride a dirt bike. But I’m cool to just watch. I’m sure it will be fun all the same. I really hate stepping outside of my comfort zone, but it should be interesting.

Clenching my eyes together, I try to will myself to fall back asleep, but it’s not going to happen. I have no idea if it’s because I got to speak with Sean again or because of my impending doom of inevitably embarrassing myself come Saturday.
