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“Chill out. This is where my brothers and I come to ride. We bought it off this old guy a few years ago who was struggling to maintain it. We’ve come out here every few weeks since.”

“Wow,” she whispers as she takes it all in. “How big is it?”

“About a hundred acres,” I tell her. “Give or take.”

“Shit. You could have awesome parties out here and no one would have a clue,” she says as we come into the clearing where I see both my brothers’ trucks and Jax’s parked under the shade of a massive tree.

“Before all the kids came along, that’s exactly what we did,” I tell her, remembering it so clearly.

The girls are busy setting up an area for the kids to play safely as the guys grab chairs and coolers out of their trucks. I pull up beside them, and as Gigi gasps from beside me, I know exactly what she’s seeing.

A smirk pulls across my face when I notice the way her eyes flick between Logan and Carter, then back to me before starting all over again.

This shit never gets old.

In three.



“You’re triplets!” she shrieks.

I laugh, glancing at my brothers, trying to see it through new eyes. But when I realize that we’re all pretty much dressed exactly the same, I know it only makes it harder to spot the differences. “Yeah, we are.”

“Wow, that’s awesome,” she says as she opens the door and hops down from the truck. “You know, I had a woman give birth to triplets a few weeks ago, and let me tell you, all’s good and well after the first comes out, but by the time the third is knocking on the door, there’s nothing pretty about it.”

“I really could have done without that information,” I tell her as I go around and unstrap Georgie before walking with Gigi to meet the others, each one of their stares already locked on us. “Hey guys, this is Gigi,” I introduce as I place Georgie down with her cousins.

I go around the circle and let her know all their names and her face instantly brightens as I point out Brianna.

“You . . . were you my midwife?” Brianna says before Gigi gets a chance to say it herself, a little unsure of the connection.

“Indeed, I was,” Gigi smiles. “You had twins. Umm . . . Nate and Parker?”

It all becomes clear. The other night in the hospital I had recognized her face, but I couldn’t figure out why, but now it finally makes sense. She’s the midwife who brought Georgie a crib and blanket while we waited during Bri’s labor. But that was a little over two years ago now. I’m floored that she remembers.

“You remember?” Bri asks, proudly.

“How could I forget?” she laughs, her mouth opening in shock as she glances up at me. “You guys were getting high and sleeping in the bathtub.”

“Hold up a second. That was not me,” I say, pointing to my dickhead brothers. “They’re the culprits right there.”

“Oh, my god,” Bri says, her face flushing with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry.”

Gigi laughs and the girls fall into easy conversation about the kids, and I get the strange feeling that Gigi is going to be well-loved among my family. Not that it matters. Today is a one-off. After I drop her home, that’s it.

With the girls happy, I head around the back of my truck and start unloading my dirt bike. “Ahh shit,” Carter grunts as he appears at the back of my truck and gets a good look at Georgie’s four-wheeler. I look at him in confusion. “What are the chances? I just bought Georgie the same fucking four-wheeler.”

“No, shit?” I laugh. “Even with the pink plastics?”

“Yep,” he says, shaking his head as he jumps up into the tray to start releasing the safety straps from my bike. “Looks like Lilly has a new four-wheeler.”

“Dude, she’s like six months old,” I laugh. “Elle will kill you if you even suggest it.”

“Nah, it’ll be fine. She’ll grow into it,” he says as we get the dirt bike down before starting on Georgie’s four-wheeler.

I help the boys with the other dirt bikes, and before we know it, the clearing is filled with them. We get back to the group, and I drop into the chair beside Gigi. “So, Gigi’s never ridden before,” I inform the girls.

“I don’t blame her,” Elle grunts. “If I had my way, I would never have tried it either.”

“Were you forced into it, too?” Gigi questions.

“Yes,” she scoffs, clearly still very sore about the topic. But I can’t blame her. Logan left her traumatized after he took her out only to have the engine catch fire.

“Babe,” Logan interjects. “Forced is a bit of a strong word for it.”

“You’re shitting me, right?” Elle laughs. “You put me over your shoulder, kicking and screaming, and physically put me on the stupid thing. Not to mention, the bike caught on fire.”
