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Before I can get control of my emotions, the dirt bike shoots forward, and I scream out as my hands launch forward to grip the handlebars. I suddenly don’t care about the stinging in my hands or the feel of his strong body pressed up against mine; I’m positive I’m about to die. I focus on the sound of Sean’s laughter to keep from thinking about my imminent death, despite knowing his laughter only exists out of my fear.

He zooms past his family and down the dirt road that quickly disappears into the grass. “Relax,” he tells me. “I won’t let you get hurt.”

His words soothe me, and I relax against him, taking absolute pleasure in the way his body feels pressed so tightly against mine. Hell, apart from Mel, it’s the closest human contact I’ve had in months.

Instead of freaking out, I take in my surroundings and find myself in awe. The property is beautiful, despite being a bit rough around the edges.

Sean rides for about ten minutes, showing me the land before pointing out a small creek that runs right through the center of the property. He brings the bike to a stop beside it and climbs off before offering me his hand and helping me down.

“I wasn’t expecting this,” I tell him as I take it all in and listen to the sound of the running water. I step right up to the creek and look down into the crystal-clear water to see the pebbles beneath. “Wow, it’s beautiful.”

Unable to help myself, I bend down and stick my hands into the freezing water and quickly rinse off as much mud as possible before scooping out a perfectly smooth pebble. I straighten out to find Sean right by my side and wonder if this is classified as a date yet.

“I kind of like it here,” he tells me as I rub the pebble between my fingers. “We actually had no idea the creek was here the first few times we came, but once we found it, I find myself coming down here every time.”

Holy cow. I don’t even know how to respond to that, but I don’t really care, I could die a happy woman just listening to him talk. “It’s very peaceful down here,” I muse. “Like the rest of the world and all the bullshit that comes along with it doesn’t exist.”


I feel there’s more to the story about why he comes down here, but I don’t want to pry. Instead, I decide it’s finally time to come clean. “So, umm, I have something to tell you,” I say, surprising myself with the set of steel balls I just happened to grow between my legs.

He looks at me curiously, clearly wondering what the hell I could possibly have to tell him when we were perfect strangers not five hours ago. “What’s up?” he questions, keeping his eyes on mine.

“I, ahh . . . shit, this is embarrassing.”

His curiosity quickly turns to interest, and I search for the balls of steel that I must have just dropped somewhere. “Go on,” he encourages.

Shit, rip it off like a Band-Aid.

“So, last Friday night,” I start before cringing again. “Mel and I were having a few too many glasses of Moscato and we found you on Tinder, so naturally she forced me to swipe right on you.”

Booming laughter rips out of his body as the embarrassment washes up and consumes me. “I knew I recognized you,” he grins. “Fuck. That’s so funny.”

Well . . . I certainly didn’t think so.

Sean pulls his phone out of his pocket and dread fills every part of me. I start shaking my head, knowing exactly where this is going. “No, no, please don’t,” I practically beg, but there’s no stopping him now.

He finds his Tinder app and brings up my profile. “There you are,” he laughs, turning his phone to point me out as if I didn’t know how humiliating my profile is.

I narrow my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, waiting for his laughter to run its course. “Are you done mocking me yet?”

“Not quite, but I’ll stop,” he grins, dropping his phone back into his pocket. “Why didn’t you say something in the hospital?”

I give him a blank look. Isn’t it obvious? “I was embarrassed,” I admit.

“Why?” he questions. “Because I didn’t message you or do whatever the fuck I was supposed to do after you matched?”

“Uhh . . . yeah.”

“Don’t be. Logan put the app on my phone. I had no intention of using it, but I’m flattered,” he says with a wink that melts my panties right off my body.

I resist the urge to groan. Seriously? Would it have killed him to confirm if he would have actually messaged me or not? I spent days waiting on that. Perhaps leaving me hanging is becoming a hobby for him.
