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Chapter 12


Why does he have to be here? I mean, I’m not working tomorrow. Cassie and Carter could have decided to break each other’s bones then. That would have worked wonders for my schedule.

Instead, he had to go and flash that handsome face that I can’t have and ruin the rest of my shift. I have hardly been able to concentrate, and it’s honestly pissing me off. Why am I finding it so damn hard to move on from this? The guy is fucking married. It’s not that hard. He’s taken and I need to move on.

And, where the hell does he get off asking me to go for dinner? What the fuck is up with that? He’s got to be kidding himself if he thinks I’m going to date him. He’s crazy. Does he think I’m stupid or is he just a nasty guy? His poor wife.

I need a fucking drink.

Glancing up at the clock, I realize I only have twenty minutes of my shift left before I can finally get out of here and stop fearing that I’ll accidentally run into him in the hallways. I mean, why does he keep showing up in my life? This is torture.

“Gigi,” I hear from Sue behind me. I turn to find her walking toward me with a bunch of paperwork in her hand, so I move to meet her in the middle.

“What can I help you with?”

Glancing at her watch, she checks the time before looking back up at me. “You’re just about finished, right?” she asks.

“Sure am,” I say, hoping like fuck she’s not about to ask me to do a double.

“Have you finished all your patient reports?”

“Just about. I have one more patient to check on and then I’m all good.”

“Excellent,” she says as she hands me her paperwork. “Would you be able to drop these reports downstairs? Then you can leave. Everything is under control here.”

Relief pounds through my veins. “Sure thing.”

She shuffles off, and I find myself so lucky to have such an awesome supervisor. She’s so chill and it makes for such a nice work environment.

I pop the paperwork down with my things and quickly check on my last patient. Then before I know it, I’m down in the locker room, grabbing my bag. I pull out my phone to check how Mel is doing and find a text already waiting.

Mel – I’m gonna be a while. I’ll make my own way home. Have a good night xxx.

Damn. There goes my plans for the night. I quickly hash out a reply, kind of relieved that I can get out of here early. If not, I would have been waiting around for Mel to finish, and I’d definitely prefer to be home right now with a glass of wine.

Gigi – Okay, sure. I’ll see you in the morning.

Picking up the stack of paperwork, I gingerly make my way downstairs and make sure Sue’s paperwork ends up in the right hands before saying goodnight to everyone and getting on my way.

I walk up the hallway and a little girl wandering out of the supply closet all by herself catches my eye. “Georgie?” I question, instantly recognizing the little girl.

She freezes, clearly thinking she’s just been caught doing something she shouldn’t be, and as her gaze settles on me, those big blue eyes light up. “Gigi,” she smiles, before dropping the pillow in the middle of the hallway and racing toward me.

She jumps so I quickly bend down and catch her in my arms. “What are you doing out here?” I question. “Where’s your mommy and daddy?”

“Daddy sweeping,” she tells me, making me realize she’s just escaped without anyone being wiser.

“He’s sleeping, is he?” I question, the thought of a sleeping Sean intriguing me more than it ever should.

Georgie gives me a beaming smile and nods her head as I walk over to the nurses’ station and check which room her family is in. “And what about your mommy?” I ask as I scan the room numbers, needing to put Georgie up on the counter so I can get this shit done faster.

“Mommy’s in heben with Grandma and Grandpa,” she tells me, those big blue eyes drawing me in.

Horror slams through my chest, and my jaw slackens, unable to steal my gaze away from the little girl. “Heben?” I ask with a racing heart, hoping I’m not hearing this correctly. “Do you mean heaven? Your mommy’s in heaven?”

Please say no. Please say no.

“Yep, heben.”

Shit. My heart breaks for this little girl. Her mommy is gone. How could I not know this? I jumped to conclusions, assuming Sean was a cheating bastard when in reality, he’s actually the furthest thing from it, probably just trying to get by and put himself out there.


I’m such a fucking bitch. He must think I’m a monster.
