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“No,” I tell her and then decide if she can be upfront with me then I need to do the same for her. “I like you, Gigi, and I’m not about to pretend that dating again after Sara is easy because it’s really not.”

She nods as she takes it in. “This might be a little presumptuous here, but in case you haven’t figured it out, I kind of like you, too, and I feel like something is starting here,” she tells me as she indicates the space between us. “Maybe we could take it slow?”

I study her for a moment before releasing her hand and reaching forward. My fingers twine around the back of her neck as hers drop to my thigh, sending sparks shooting through me. I gently pull her toward me, taking it slow to give her a chance to pull away if she needs, and as her face inches closer, my heart starts to race.

Unable to wait another second, I close the gap, pressing my lips to hers and kissing her gently, and she instantly melts into me, her lips so soft and warm. She kisses me back, and something settles in my chest, knowing that this is right, that this is exactly where I’m supposed to be.

Gigi’s hand rises to my chest, gently pressing against my heart, and as I find myself getting lost in our kiss, the ugliness of betrayal pulses through my veins like poison. I know Sara is gone, and I’m not doing anything wrong, but I guess it’s just going to take a little while.

Pulling back from Gigi, I keep her close, my hand coming around to the side of her face as my thumb stretches out and brushes over her full lips. “Slow,” I tell her.

“Slow,” she repeats, her lips moving against my thumb.

We sit for another hour getting to know each other, and I tell her all about my parents and how we lost them, which has her tearing up again, and I pull her into my arms the very way I’ve been craving all night.

Gigi tells me about her childhood and how she became such good friends with Mel. Then goes on to tell me about her run-in with Tom and how Mel has been sleeping with him every night this week.

Honestly, the fact that he was sleeping with her friend doesn’t surprise me. That’s just Tom, but the fact that he’s gone back for seconds or even thirds blows me the fuck away. I’ll have to figure out what’s going on there.

A deathly chill seeps into the air, and when Gigi’s teeth begin to chatter, disappointment spreads through me, realizing it’s time to bring tonight to an end. “Can I take you home?” I ask as I grab the pizza box and jam it into the trash.

She’s right in the middle of taking a sip from the wine bottle when she nearly spurts it out, her eyes going wide. “I thought we were taking it slow?”

“Huh?” I grunt before realizing exactly where her mind has gone. “Oh,” I laugh. “I meant, can I drive you home?”

Her cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I can’t resist brushing the backs of my fingers over them as she looks up at me. “I have my car here,” she reminds me.

Right, I knew that. “Can I walk you to it?”

“I’d love that,” she smiles up at me.

Gigi slips her knee-high boots back on before taking my hand, and being the perfect gentleman, I walk her back to her car. But that’s as far as my gentleman tendencies go when I crowd her against the side of her car, my hands gripping her waist as I step into her, pinning her with my body. She gasps, her eyes flicking up to meet mine just as I bring my lips down on hers and kiss her deeply.

Gigi melts into me, her hands creeping up around the back of my neck and holding me close.

Betrayal still stings like a knife through my chest, but I fear that’s something that may never go away. So, I test the waters and deepen our kiss, so fucking aware of how good she tastes. Gigi moans into me, her fingers moving up into the back of my hair, putting me right on the edge, desperate for more.

Fuck this whole going slow thing.

I know it’s what I truly need to help me feel at peace with welcoming another woman into my world, and when it comes down to it, I probably won’t be able to take it that far, but there’s no denying that Gigi is one hell of a sexy vixen.

Before I get carried away, I pull back and force myself to open her car door. She smiles up at me, everything she’s feeling shining in her blazing green eyes.

I tuck her safely into her car before I bend her over the hood and show the world what I’m dying to do to her, and after flashing me with one more breathtaking smile, she takes off, leaving me standing in the street, unable to wait to see where the hell this new road takes me.
