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I grin at her comment, but it’s the earlier one that puts me on edge. “I can’t leave her, and I can’t do that to you.”

“You can and you will,” she says. “I’ve already eaten and you look like you’re about to fall asleep on your feet. I’ve got forty-five minutes before I need to be back, so go and get something decent to eat. Mel is about to go on her break, so I’ll have company. I promise you, I won’t leave this room. Georgie will be safe with me.”

I desperately want to take her up on her offer, even if it’s only for ten minutes so I could run down to the cafeteria and grab something to eat, but the thought of walking out of this room without Georgie right by my side is terrifying.

“Sean,” Gigi scolds as she sees the indecision on my face. “You need to take a break. If you don’t, you’re going to be exhausted when you get her home tonight. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m almost certain you’re going to be sitting up all night with her, and you can’t do that if you’re falling asleep.”


“Damn it, Gigi,” I groan with a sigh. “I don’t like that you’re right.”

“Get used to it,” she says, her hands finding mine. “Go.”

Letting out a sigh, I look back at Georgie. “Are you sure?” I question one last time.

Gigi places her hand on my chest and splays her fingers. “I’m positive,” she tells me as she looks up at me, those lips begging to be kissed.

Unable to help myself, I lean into her and gently press my lips against hers, and she soaks it up like it’s her only lifeline. “I’ll be back in no time,” I tell her. Every day, my feelings for her only get stronger.

I step back from her and watch as she drops down onto the couch, crossing her legs under her and pulling out her phone, making a show of getting comfortable. And I know with complete certainty that my daughter will be safe in her capable hands. I’m only going to be gone for a few moments, and I completely trust Gigi when she says that she won’t leave the room.

With that, I walk to the door just in time to see Mel walking in with her lunch. She takes a seat next to Gigi and together they relax on the couch, taking absolute pleasure in the few moments of peace that they get each day.

Chapter 15


“I’m so tired,” Mel yawns as she puts her feet up on my lap and relaxes back onto the couch. “It’s been such a long shift. The little boy in the next room is having such a hard day. I have to go in there every fifteen minutes.”

“Oh, really?” I ask as I flick my eyes back to Georgia to check she’s still sound asleep. “What’s he in for?”

“His appendix burst. The poor kid is in so much pain. He has allergies to most painkillers, so he’s pretty much having to tough it out,” she explains with a sad smile.

“Oh, no,” I frown with a heavy heart. “The poor little guy.”

“Yeah, it’s horrible, but he’s being so strong. His mother is a complete wreck, and I can tell he wants to break down into tears, but he’s being brave for her.”

I let out a sigh. “He’s going to be a heartbreaker when he’s older.”

“No doubt about it,” Mel smiles as she takes a sip of her water.

Georgie makes a noise and both our heads snap toward her, watching to see what she does next. We hold our breaths, not wanting to make a single noise to wake her, especially after the night she had. Georgie rolls over and squishes her face into the pillow before calming into her sleep, and I let out a breath.

She’s had an awful night, and I bet she’s absolutely wrecked. I can’t even begin to imagine how scary that would have been for her. Being unable to breathe and having paramedics crashing into your house in the middle of the night and carrying you away. Shit, it has me desperate to hold onto her and never let go, but Sean’s got that job well under control.

“So,” I say, fixing my stare on Mel and bringing up the one thing I haven’t wanted to talk about. “How’s Tom doing?”

Mel shrugs her shoulders, averting her stare. “How would I know?”

“Because you’re still sleeping with him,” I grunt.

“I am not,” she argues.

I continue as if she didn’t just blatantly lie to my face. “You’ve snuck out of your bedroom nearly every night, except for last night when he snuck into our place and rocked your world while you screamed out his name,” I tell her. “But I can’t work it out. You spend your day cursing him and then climb in bed with him at night. What’s it going to be? Do you love him or do you hate him?”
