Page 78 of No Angel

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Gabriel nudged my legs a little further apart and I shuffled my feet wider. His hands squeezed my ass hungrily, bringing me forward to meet his lips. I felt myself opening under his expert touch and then his tongue was parting my folds and pushing up inside—

My fingers played piano scales on his head and my toes tried to dig into the floor of the cave. Oh my God oh my God oh my God— The pleasure was like nothing I’d ever felt: it pulsed through me, making my whole body vibrate to its rhythm. And the most amazing thing was how he was doing it, the mood he created. With past boyfriends, it had sometimes felt like this was a duty for them, but Gabriel was so obviously enjoying himself and enjoying my reactions. I’d moan and he’d increase the pace; I’d cry out and rock forward and he’d move from my clit to my lips so that I didn’t come too soon.

The pleasure built and built, strumming through my body. I needed to move to contain it but I couldn’t move, not if I wanted that heavenly contact to continue. So my toes danced, my fingers twisted in his hair and my back arched, face tipped back to pant at the ceiling, but my groin stayed rock steady against his mouth, his strong fingers kneading my ass.

He licked faster and I began to mumble wordless pleas, my eyes screwed shut in ecstasy. That made him growl in satisfaction and the sound vibrated through his lips against my slippery flesh. My jaw opened in a silent scream of pleasure. I could feel the orgasm thundering towards me, the sensations drawing inward and becoming dense and weighty. “I—Ahh!” I managed.

Gabriel gave a wicked chuckle and his tongue traced my lips and swirled over my clit…but he kept the touch too fleeting to take me over the edge. He kept me teetering on the brink, each swipe of his tongue making the pleasure swell even more. My hands clutched his shoulders and my breath came in helpless gasps. I couldn’t talk, couldn’t think. The whole world had narrowed down to the white-hot, coiled pleasure that was pulsing at my core, aching to explode. I started babbling: just like the first time. I needed it so much that I pushed all my hang-ups aside. “Oh God please Gabriel, please—”

The cave echoed with his words, hot little rushes of air against my sopping folds. “I’ll catch you.”

He’ll catch me?!

He leaned forward and fluttered the tip of his tongue against my clit. The coiled pleasure shook, dense as a collapsed star…

And then it detonated. The wave of pleasure slammed into me and carried me up and out of the cave, up beyond the clouds, somewhere up near the stars. I felt everything tense, and for long seconds I rode it, shaking and yelling, and then the wave subsided and my whole body went limp and rubbery.

I felt arms encircling my waist. I opened my eyes, still panting…and I was back in the cave, flopped forward onto Gabriel’s shoulder, my legs twitching and floppy beneath me. He caught me.

Gabriel gently eased us down to the ground. He grabbed his clothes to use as a pillow and laid us down with him on his back and me lying on my side with my head on his chest.

He cuddled me close while I recovered. Then he started gently stroking my back, and then my leg, and then my ass, until I began to press myself up against him. He kissed me and then rolled me onto my back, my head on the makeshift pillow.

He retrieved something from clothes wadded under my head, then stood up. He backed off a pace, until he was standing between my ankles. And then he just stood there and gazed at me.

I swallowed. Gabriel was big but from my position on the floor, he was a colossus. Utterly naked, his caramel skin still glistened from our waterfall shower. With his feet planted apart, he formed an X, from the hulking, broad shoulders and strong pecs down to his tight waist and then out again, to his thickly muscled hips and thighs. And rising from between those thighs…

His cock was rock hard and standing straight up against his stomach. I felt my groin pulse, just looking at it. The balls, heavy and loaded. The thickly perfect shaft, rising to the purplish-pink, jutting head. I started to breathe faster.

Then his hand came down and his fingers wrapped around his shaft. He began to slowly stroke himself, his eyes locked on mine. I saw his chest tremble, his breathing ragged.

He wanted me. He needed me.

My eyes flicked down to the head of his cock as it emerged from his hand. Then back up to his burning hazel eyes. A hot ripple went down my body, leaving every inch of skin throbbing. I’d never had this before, never had a man want me so much that he’d—
