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I hesitated long enough to assess my situation. The chance that I could make a move on him without being incapacitated or killed was too small, so I did as he said.

Another man entered. He undid my cuffs long enough to force my arms behind my back and attach the cuffs to the chair.

“So what’s the occasion?” I asked.

Ahmed glared at me. “Your friend Fox is on the way. He’ll be here soon to watch you die, but first, you’re going to tell me more about the men who are with him.”

“No, I’m not.”

He slapped me. I was prepared for it and braced for the impact. He was not getting a reaction out of me.

“Who will he be bringing here?”

I gave him my coldest stare. He punched me in the gut. I didn’t manage to stay silent, but I sat back up immediately and met Ahmed’s gaze again.

Before another blow came, I heard a commotion somewhere else in the building.

Ahmed stepped out of the room, and I heard him yell, “I told you to let me know the moment he was spotted.”

“We didn’t see him, sir. I—” A gunshot ended the man’s reply.

“You don’t want to do that.” Ahmed’s voice was chilling, but it didn’t affect me. Fox was there. I was sure of it.

“I assure you, I do.” Thank God. It was him.

“I have Mr. Fontaine.”

“Let him go.”

Ahmed scoffed. “You think you’re going to exchange yourself for him?”

I heard movement. Fox was coming closer.

“Stay back,” Ahmed warned.

“I want proof. How do I know you actually have him?”

“Put your gun down.”

I heard the weapon clatter to the floor. I hoped to hell he had more weapons on him or some other plan.

“Good. Now move slowly.”

Fox appeared in the doorway. I’d been holding up well, but seeing Fox almost made that facade crumble. I wanted to wrap my arms around him. I wanted to tell him I loved him, and I didn’t know if I’d ever get the chance.

I met Fox’s gaze, and for just a moment, he smiled at me. He had a plan. He moved toward me, and Ahmed growled. “Back away.”

He took a step to the side but stayed near the wall next to me.

“You do realize neither of you are getting out of here.” Ahmed watched Fox as he spoke. He was hoping for a reaction.

“Are you sure about that?” Fox asked.

“Very sure. You’re going to watch your lover”—he wrinkled his nose then spat on the floor as he said the word—“die a painful death, and then I’m going to kill you far more slowly.”


Ahmed raised his gun, aiming it at me.

“Wait.” Fox’s voice had a pleading edge to it now. His bravado was instantly gone. What was happening? Did he and his friends really have a way to get us out?

“Do you want to beg for his life?”

“You can kill me however you want, but Darren hasn’t done anything to you.”

“My brother tried to help you. He—”

Ahmed froze as if someone had flicked a switch and shut him off. It was only then I understood the small pop I’d heard. He crumpled to the floor, blood pouring from a large wound in his head.

“Rhys?” I asked.

Fox nodded.

I heard more gunshots, then footsteps moving toward us.

Fox stepped into the hallway, gun at the ready. When he smiled, I knew everything was okay.

“Did you get them all?” he yelled.

“Yes.” That was Devil’s voice.

Fox knelt and started rooting through Ahmed’s pockets. He pulled out a key and quickly unlocked the cuffs on my wrists. Neither of us could wait any longer. He pulled me into his arms, nearly turning the chair over. I hugged him so tightly it was a wonder either of us could breathe.

“I thought… I didn’t know if you would still be alive when I got here.” His voice broke, and I felt his tears on the side of my neck.

“It’s okay. I’m here. You’re here. I love you.”

He pulled back enough to look at me. “You… Really?”


“I love you too. So much. I thought I would lose my mind when I realized you were gone.”

“But you didn’t. You made a plan, and you waited.”

“It nearly killed me.”

“Sorry to break this up,” Devil said from the doorway. I hadn’t even realized he was standing there. “But we need to get out of here. Some of the neighbors seem less than pleased about all the commotion.”

Fox released my ankles and looked me up and down. “Are you okay? How badly did he hurt you?”

“I’m fine.”

“Your neck.” He touched me where the garrote had cut through my skin, and I flinched.

“It’s just a scratch.”

“You’re seeing a doctor when we get back to the hotel.”

“I’m fine.”

Sirens sounded in the distance. “Let’s go,” Devil said.

Despite my protests, Fox picked me up and carried me out, leaving Devil to rid the room of any sign we were ever there.
