Page 65 of Boss Agreement

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He grins as I set the box down on the dresser in front of me and unwrap it. Phillip’s eyes follow my movement as the paper falls away and a plain white box appears.

“Good,” I say, realizing that it’s not jewelry. “For a second, I thought it was some kind of diamond coated jewelry.”

“I considered buying you the French Crown Jewels, but didn’t think you’d appreciate having to carry around a scepter. Guess I lucked out, huh?”

I chuckle, but then I question it. “Wait, could you actually buy the French Crown Jewels? What exactly are Crown Jewels?”

“Just open the damn box, Addison!”

I sigh and undo the tape holding the top of the cardboard down. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal that he bought me a present, but it is. Neither one of us has ever bought the other anything. It marks a change in our relationship almost as big as me moving in with him.

But when I open the box and pull out the bubble wrapped item, I can’t help but grin. It’s a coffee mug.

The nervousness that I’d felt earlier evaporates as I rip the bubble wrap off and look at it. It’s a pink mug with white letters. “Roses are red. You have really great tits. I want to read your book. So you’d better not quit!”

He laughs as soon as I do, and I can’t be happier with his present. I mean, it’s not a thrift store find, but can you really expect a billionaire to limit his coffee mug gifts to thrift stores?

“I don’t know if I should be grumpy because you’re pushing me to finish this book or take it as a compliment.”

I set the mug down on the dresser as he wraps his arms around me. “Take it as me thinking about you and wanting to get you a present, while knowing that you’d be pissed if I bought you something expensive, like jewelry.”

Standing on my tiptoes, I give him a kiss. “That’s just how I’ll take it. Just know that I have to get you a present now, and there’s no telling what I’ll end up finding for you. I might get you a very special tie since that’s what every billionaire needs, right?”

His eyes open wide. “Maybe don’t get me a tie? Please?”

I can’t help the sneaky smile that crosses my lips. “You never know. They always have great ties at discount stores, and those are brand new, so there aren’t even any stains on them.”

The look of horror on his face is priceless. “Please, no?”

“Fine. Well, I’ll come up with something good. Don’t you worry. I saw a pair of nice dress shoes…”

It’s too hard to keep it up, and I burst out laughing. Phillip still looks terrified. “You’re just joking? You’re not really planning to buy me shoes or a tie?”

I shake my head, but I have to take a few breaths to stop the laughter. “I know you’re the big shot boss now, so you have to dress like it. You don’t want me to buy a bunch of stuff that you don’t want to wear, and I get it. Be warned, though, I will have to give you gifts. We can’t have this be completely one-sided. Just because you’re rich and I’m not doesn’t mean I can’t get you presents.”

My words obviously have the intended effect because he visibly relaxes. “You know, I’d love presents. I can’t think of the last time someone actually bought me something that I cared about, but I usually just buy whatever I want.”

I give him a grin and wink. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to find some things you didn’t know you wanted.”

“Like you?” The fear has completely evaporated, and he’s grinning as wide as ever.

I fain shock and put my hand on my chest. “Even you couldn’t afford me normally. It’s a good thing that I’m on sale to the first customer at the rock bottom price of a good kiss. Mind you, it’d better be a fantastic kiss.” I look around the closet, grinning just as wide as him. “Now where could I find a customer…”

Phillip doesn’t even let me finish before he crushes my lips with his. I’d felt nervous all day. I’d felt even worse after work. Even after we’d gotten here, and there wasn’t a monster ready to eat any poor people that walked through the door, I still had butterflies. It all just felt so foreign.

That’s all gone, now. The feeling of his lips on mine brings me home and reminds me that regardless of where we are, this is still the man that I’ve fallen in love with.

Passion explodes from him, spoken in a kiss. There’s nothing in the world that could make me nervous right now. Like the touch of his lips on mine is a spell that makes the rest of the world quiet while they’re touching. Or maybe it’s just that I can’t care about anything else.

Phillip’s hands pull me toward him, his tongue dancing with mine. Why did I ever pull away from him? Somehow, I knew he’d set me alight with every kiss, and I ran from it. Now, the running’s done.

“I love you,” he whispers.

“You’d better because I have a very special set of skills. I will find you…”

“…and you’ll what?” he asks with a grin. “You’ll buy me stained shirts, fantastic coffee mugs, and tell me love stories?”

I shrug. “I’m an enigma wrapped in a paradox, good sir. There’s no telling what I’m capable of. Especially if you walked away from me.”
