Page 72 of Boss Agreement

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But itisactually good. Well, at least this part. I lean back in my chair and pick up my pencil to spin it. Another night sitting alone in Phillip’s house while he’s still at work. It’s been almost two weeks since Russel Loughton handed the company to Phillip, and I think I’ve spent nearly every evening alone, including weekends.

I’d known that this was how Phillip’s life was before me, but I thought he was going to change things. He says he still is, but it feels like it’s taking forever. He spends all day at the office, and when he gets home, it’s like he’s a ghost of the man I fell in love with.

I hear the front door open, and I hit save on my manuscript before shutting the laptop. I glance at the wadded up crocheted laptop bag that sits on the edge of the desk I use in Phillip’s office. It’s a reminder of who I was before I met him. Before every piece of furniture in my life matched. Before I rode in a limo to work. Before I’d swam naked in a rooftop pool.

Back when my life still made sense.

I follow the path I walk every evening when I hear the door close. Down the hall, down the stairs, and into the foyer. I see the downtrodden eyes as Phillip hangs up his laptop bag in the closet. The way he slumps just a little more every day.

“Rough evening?” I ask, and he just nods and sighs. Without saying anything, he walks up to me and wraps his arms around me.

“I’ve missed you,” he whispers, and it feels like he’s about to crack. How’d the man that had seemed so strong and unbreakable only weeks ago start to feel like this?

His lips find mine, but there’s no passion in the kiss. No fire. I expect his lips to move to my neck, to set my body alight like his kisses always do, but he just steps back, looking even more fragile.

“Dinner’s still on warm,” I say as I walk toward the kitchen. Phillip follows me, and when I make plates, he doesn’t move to help.

I’d thought that he’d seemed off the past few days, but it hadn’t been like this. He hadn’t looked like he was falling apart. He was just tired. Now…

“I’ve only got a few more pages in my manuscript left,” I say as I spoon the alfredo over the noodles. They’ve gotten a little sticky from being on the warmer for an hour. “It might actually be good.”

Phillip smiles at me. “Of course, it’s good. I’ve never doubted that. I can’t wait to read it.”

Even though the thought of him reading it still terrifies me, I give him a smile. He’s someone I can trust. I’ve learned that even though he can be ruthless when he wants to be, he’s never turned that side toward me.

“Tomorrow’s Saturday. Maybe we could spend some time together. I could finish the last few pages up, and maybe I’ll let you read the first chapter or two?”

Phillip sighs. “I have to work this weekend. But I could probably come home tomorrow evening and read some of it?” He tries to smile, but it cracks. “You know, Addison, I hate that we haven’t had much time together. Hopefully, by the end of this coming week, I’ll have more time. The positions I’ve posted have been filled, and I’m trying to get them trained up to take over those pieces of my schedule.”

I try to be understanding. It’s not his fault that he’s having to work this hard, and I know that. I may be jealous of his time, but I’m not Donovan. This was who he was before he met me. He’s trying to change things, too. And change is hard.

“I can be patient, Phillip. I can’t wait until we can spend more time together, but I don’t expect you to ignore Loughton House. Just promise me that you’re working toward making more time for us, and I’ll believe you. I love you.”

His smile comes together a little better this time. Not quite as many cracks. “I promise I’m working to change it. I can’t wait until we can spend every weekend together. It would be nice to makeyoudinner occasionally. I want it to be like it was when I was poor. Except, you know, with lots of money too.”

I grin at him and try to ease some of his worries. “Then do what you’re best at. Fix the business. Make your changes. If there’s something I can do, please just let me know.”

“I don’t think you can help. Thanks for understanding, though. I’ve been really worried about whether this was going to affect us. It all just seems so fast.”

I hand him his plate. “It is. But I learned how to roll with the punches a long time ago.”

Holding the plate in one hand, he runs his hand over my lower back and says, “You’re the light in my life. You know that, right?”

“Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t. I certainly enjoy you telling me. Now, let’s go eat this food before it gets cold. I’m starving and have had to smell it for an hour.”

He just chuckles, and I follow him to the table. This is hard, but we can get through it. We can survive a bit of struggle at the beginning. I’ve always said that I’ll work hard and sacrifice to get what I want. I’ll deal with whatever hardships stand in the way of what I want.

And what I want is Phillip.



I stareat the picture on my phone for the twenty-seventh time today.The End.I finished writingSweet Temptationslast night. I poured my heart and soul into that book, and I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever written.

It’s hard to focus on work, and Sera’s noticed my inattention. She glances at me again as my chair squeaks. “Is the boss sending you dirty pictures?” she asks, just loud enough for me to hear. She knows how inappropriate our relationship is, and she’s done her best to keep it relatively quiet. Though how we expect it to stay quiet when I ride in his limo every day isn’t a question I want to think about.

“Nope,” I say and pass her my phone.
