Page 92 of Boss Agreement

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The doorbell rings, and I jump. Every nerve in my body is on edge, and before I can run to the door, Phillip grabs my hand. “Calm down,” he whispers, a grin on his face. “It’s going to be fine.”

“I know it is. But she’s never visited me anywhere before. She certainly hasn’t ever met a boyfriend. Now, let me go so she doesn’t turn into an icicle on our stoop.”

No matter what Phillip says, I’m not going to calm down until I see her. She’s been the only constant in my life. Ever since Nana died, she’s been the one person who I knew would never abandon me. Even if she’s frustrating sometimes, she’s my mom, and I want her to be proud of me.

When I open the door, she’s got a smile on her face that could light up the whole block. “Addy, I’ve missed you so much,” she says as she gives me a hug. I’ve missed her too.

“Come inside and get out of the cold. I made cookies and can make some coffee. I hope you like espresso.”

She follows me inside, and I try to lead her to the kitchen, but she stops and just stares. “Addy, this is yours?” she says with a voice full of wonder.

I shrug. “It’s Phillip’s, but I’ve lived here for quite a while, and I don’t think he’s going to kick me out anytime soon.”

“It’s wonderful. Nothing at all like back home. I bet you’ve even got a big TV, don’t you?”

I chuckle. “Fine, I’ll give you the tour, and then we can have the cookies and coffee.”

I lead her into the living room where Phillip is putting tinsel on the tree. He gives us a smile and I say, “This is Phillip Loughton, my boyfriend. Phillip, this is my mother, Lynn Adelaide.”

He puts out a hand and says, “Nice to meet you, Lynn. Welcome to our home.”

She takes his hand and gives it a quick shake. “Thanks for having me. You have a beautiful home.” It’s strange seeing my mom trying to be so proper. I’m sure that will wear off quickly enough since she’s staying for a week.

“I’m taking her on the tour. Any way you could make a few cups of coffee for us?” Phillip nods and drops the tinsel back into the box it came in.

As soon as he walks out of the room, Mom whispers, “That man dodged every stick on the ugly tree when he was born, didn’t he? I bet he could make some pretty babies.”

Babies? That’s the first topic she goes to? “Babies aren’t really on our radar right now. I think we’re trying to do the whole relationship process in order. You know, date, then get married, then consider babies.”

“Smart,” she says. “I got a little mixed up when I was playing with men. Didn’t work out as well for me.” She gives me a grin and says, “It looks like you two are happy.”

I nod. “We are.”

“Then that’s what matters.” She takes another look around the living room, which is bigger than the house I grew up in. “The house is a definite bonus, though. Do you know if he’s got any openings?”

“Mom! You said you were happy with your job!”

She grins at me. “I am. Mostly. But if a job with your boyfriend buys a place like this, I might be willing to make a change.”

I just shake my head as Phillip comes back in with the cookies and coffees. I take my cup and a cookie and look out the window at the snow that’s falling even harder now. There’s no question that it’s Christmas Eve.

Turning back to my mom, she’s settling down on the couch, a smile on her face, and I can’t help but think that this is the best Christmas that I can remember.

* * *

“We’re doing presents?” Mom asks.

“Yes, we are definitely doing presents,” I say as I pick up two gifts wrapped in gold and red from under the tree.

She grins and says, “Good thing I brought something for you.” Digging in her purse, she pulls out a small box that looks like it could be jewelry, and I frown. That’d be very unlike her.

I trade gifts with mom, and I turn around to see Phillip picking up a box that’s about the size of his fist wrapped in shiny blue paper. “You have to open this one last,” he says.

I look down at the box and recognize the shape and size of it. Definitely another mug. I don’t know why he’s making such a big deal about it, though.

“Okay. Here’s yours. Merry Christmas, Phillip,” I say as I hand him the box. I can’t help but grin thinking about what’s inside it.

We all sit down and kind of stare at each other for a moment before Phillip says, “I guess I’ll open mine first.”
