Page 127 of Real Regrets

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“Huh.” Savannah pauses, glances at the display in the front window of a store, and then continues walking. “Well, Oliver has always been different.”

“What do you mean?”

“He’s totally focused on Kensington Consolidated. If I was worth billions, I’d take a vacation every once in a while. But he doesn’t party, never gets photographed with women. That’s why everyone made such a fuss over the photos last weekend. Some people are speculating they’re engaged, and that’s why he was seen with her.”


Savannah glances over, her expression creasing with concern in response to whatever look is on my face. “Leonardo Branson does business with Arthur Kensington. He probably asked Oliver to connect his daughter with the right people, now that’s she’s back in town.”

I nod, my mind still a mess of thoughts. My family and Rosie know about my marriage, but I haven’t confided in anyone about how real it seems. I have feelings for Oliver that go much deeper than lust or attraction, and no idea how to navigate them.

“Let’s go in here.”

Blindly, I follow Savannah inside a brightly lit store and over to a long rack of colorful dresses, trying to shake off the anxiety and second-guessing. The terror that I’m in so deep with Oliver that I won’t be able to dig myself out. It never felt like this with Declan. With anyone else. Like falling, with nothing to hold on to. No way to stop myself.

“Any budget?” she asks.

“No.” My voice comes out dull, so I clear my throat, trying to summon back some of my earlier excitement. “And I’ll need shoes and a handbag too.”

Oliver handed me a black credit card before I left. And since this is the last night we’ll probably spend together, I fully intend to go all out.

Savannah grins at me, and I force an answering smile.

At least I’ll look good on the outside, even if I’m a mess on the inside.

* * *

Oliver’s standing in the kitchen when I walk into the penthouse, studying his tablet. I guess he reverted to his workaholic ways while I was gone.

He looks up, taking in all the bags I’m holding. When he sets down the tablet, I realize he was watching a baseball game, not staring at documents.

“I see you gave the card a good workout.” He smirks at my overloaded hands.

I want to smile back. Want to walk over and kiss him.

But I’ve done too much of that lately. I need to remind myself what my life will be like starting tomorrow. That I’m an independent woman with goals and ambition, not a pampered princess in a fairytale.

I fish the credit card out of my jeans’ pocket and toss it on the spotless countertop. “Consider it our divorce settlement.”

His cheek twitches. A tiny reaction, but one I notice. Neither of us have mentioned our pending divorce in the past few days.

But I can’t lose sight of the fact we’re not an actual couple. That Oliver doesn’t want a wife and will soon be spending his limited breaks from work with other women, some of whom might have sophisticated British accents. I looked up the photos Savannah mentioned in the car ride back here. The woman he went out with was stunning. Quinn Branson looks like exactly the type of woman a successful billionaire would date. And maybe marry, if Oliver ever changes his view about it.

I never thought I’d have to remind myself to protect my heart. With every other guy, it’s been my natural instinct. I’ve beentoodetached, according to most of them.

“Did you have fun with Savannah?” There’s a hesitant note to Oliver’s voice, as his gaze trails over my tensed posture.

He’s obviously sensed the shift in my mood. I left here smiling. And he has the audacity to remember Savannah’s name, even though I only mentioned it once. The thoughtfulness just pisses me off more. This would all be a lot easier, if he was as bad at relationships as he claims to be.

“Yeah, it was fun.”

“You were gone for a while.”

I lift a shoulder and drop it carelessly. “Nothing to do here.”

This time, his jaw clenches. His only response is a stiff nod before he glances back down at his tablet. I can see him retreating, shutting down. Exactly what I was hoping for, but I also hate that it’s happening.

“Car will be here in an hour.”
