Page 82 of The Bachelor

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I hated this.

The feelings it stirred.

The need to lie.

This wasn’t who I was.

Hannah deserved better.

She deserved the truth.

“Someone I’ve known for a long time,” I started. “But it’s honestly not even worth talking about. It’s just some minor hookup stuff.” More lies, but I didn’t want to get into the proposition. I didn’t want to talk about the lessons. They were too special to me to discuss. “We’re just having fun. I don’t know if it’s going to turn into anything serious.” As I stared at her, I could tell she was on the verge of inquiring who he was, so I added, “Before you ask, you don’t know him.”

She put her hand up in the air, like I was preaching a sermon. “I fully support this, especially the fun part, but you’re really okay with the physical aspect of all this? You’re a relationship kind of girl, and—I say this with all the love in my heart—you’re not the kind of woman to just give your body to a man. I mean, you’ve waited this long. I hope he’s special? And deserving?”

“Don’t worry; I’m not there yet.” At least that part was semi-truthful, considering we were only approaching lesson three. “Lots of stuff to do before we getthere, there, you know?”

“I get it.” As she continued to analyze me, I could feel her gaze all the way in my chest. “I can tell how happy you are. You haven’t stopped smiling.” She patted my knee. “Is this amazing guy the reason things didn’t move forward with Macon?”

This was turning into quite a web.

But it seemed like she believed me.

“Macon Spade, the playboy,” I said, sighing. “The truth is, he didn’t even ask for my number.” I chugged down more wine. “He made no effort to get in touch with me, but, yes, that’s the reason.”

She stole a corner off one of the brownies. “Do you want him to?”


She laughed. “That was a quick answer.”

“He’s not right for me, Han. He’s a super-nice guy, handsome, and he has all the qualities I’d be looking for in a man, but no.”

“And this mystery man is the right guy?”

Is Camden perfect for me?

He didn’t like to commit.

He didn’t do relationships.

He was the ultimate bachelor.

But I couldn’t stop the way I felt about him. The sparks that set off every time I was in his presence. The way my heart throbbed when he said certain things to me. The way I found his grumpiness so sexy, his hands so ravishing, his scent so enticing.

If only he felt the same way about me …

“Yes,” I replied. “He’s the right guy. I just don’t know that we’re going to end up together. Things seem to work the way they are, and I have to be okay with that. I can’t force someone to want more.”

Her brows rose. “How long has this been going on?”

“Not long.” I grabbed her hand to reassure her. “Not even long enough to sort out everything that’s happening.” I finished my wine and set the empty glass on the table. “I was going to tell you when things between us made a little more sense.” She didn’t seem convinced, so I continued, “You know I tell you everything. This just came on fast and out of nowhere.”

She nodded, rubbing her thumb over my wrist, like she was taking my pulse. “You know what I think?”

Oh man, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.
