Page 1 of Committed to Her

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“Valerie Whitley! Get in here, girl!”

I wince when I hear my grandmother’s voice. She’s not a dainty, sweet grandmother. She’s a force to be reckoned with. And when she wants something she gets it.

I stumble backwards in the flower beds and groan, standing up and holding my back. My favorite thing is taking care of the flower beds and I smile when I see how much better they look.

Until I look up into my grandmother’s eyes. I love the woman but she’s used to getting her own way. Hetty Whitley has money and that leads to power and she likes both. She’s not afraid to hold it over her family’s head either.

Her hands land on her hips and she sighs. “We’ve got a gardener, Valerie. Why are you playing in the flower beds?”

Smiling, I pull off my gardening gloves. “You know that I love doing it. It’s relaxing to me.”

She huffs. “Why do you need to relax? It’s not like you live hand to mouth or anything like that. You never have. No matter how much your parents try to make every person believe that they don’t have any money. We know better, girl.”

I sigh and put my hands on my hips. “Why don’t you stop taking potshots at my parents and tell me what the problem is now, Grandma?”

“Why are you still here, Valerie? You could be so much more than this? I know you’re putting in a couple of articles a week online but I know you want to do more with your life than sporadic writing. What happened to going back to school and working on the business degree that you wanted to get? I need someone savvy to run my empire when I’m gone and we both know that that is not either one of your parents. I refuse to leave my business in their hands. They’d have it run into the ground in less than two months. Spend all my money on frivolous stuff and destroy my businesses. I won’t have it. I want you to do it but ever since you came home you’ve been completely uninterested in anything but random work.”

I roll my shoulders and sigh. “I’m doing what I like to do. I’m not ready for anything else. And it’s not like you’re going to be leaving us any time soon, Grandma. If you want me to take over your businesses, I’ve certainly got time. You could run us all into the ground and drink us under the table.” My lips twist wryly.

Her cold grey eyes sparkle. “Don’t try and butter me up, missy! I need to know that you’re going to be taken care of in the future because you know your parents are basically worthless.”

“Grandma,” I warn her, my voice low and controlled. I know how she feels about my parents but I do love them. Most of the time I don’t like them or their attitudes. How they act. But I refuse to run them down or let anyone say bad things about them. Whatever they are, they’re still my parents.

“Fine, fine. I know that I won’t change your mind. I’m just telling you to be careful. Watch who you trust, Valerie. And for heaven’s sake, try and show a little enthusiasm for something other than these flowers.”

Shaking my head, I turn away. “I’m sorry if you don’t like it. But I’m not going to get pushed into something I’m not ready for.”

“Why won’t you tell me what happened when you were gone at school?”

I stiffen my spine, struggling to keep my voice light. “Because it’s not a big deal. It’s not important.”

Her voice goes soft and brings tears to my eyes. “You may think that, but anything that hurts you is my business, Valerie. And I want to make it right for you. Give you the closure you need to move forward.”

I drop my head to my chest. “Don’t bother, Grandma. Nothing will change who I am. What I am. Might as well not even worry about it.”

“Well, if you’re not gonna figure things out, I’ll do it for you.”

And with those heated words, she stalks off into the house, slamming the door behind her.



“Hey, Caleb! Wanna go out to drink tonight?” Tom Gardner grins at me, his hand on the handle of his truck. His streaked brown hair blows into his eyes and he groans. “I really need to get a haircut. Not sure how I’m gonna get a woman if they can’t see my amazing face.”

I chuckle. “You need to be a little more humble, man. Women don’t like men that only talk about themselves.”

“I get plenty of women, man.” He scoffs. “You’re the one that’s never gone out since I’ve known you. Your dick must be backed up like a clogged drain!”

I groan and shake my head. “That paints a pretty picture. Why are you so worried about my sex life? I do just fine.”

“You don’t go out to the bar with us. I’ve never seen you with a woman. You’re like a monk.”

I run my hands through my hair and pause from opening my truck door. I know he’s trying to be nice but honest to god, going out trying to get a woman when the only one I want is well beyond my reach holds no appeal at all.
