Page 17 of Committed to Her

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She stands up and dances out of my reach. I circle the desk and she lurches around the corner, her heavy belly keeping her off-balance. I stalk her slowly, “Don’t run, baby. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

Smirking, she slowly puts the desk between us. “You stop chasing me and I’ll quit running.”

“Valerie,” I warn. “Stop right there.”

Her shoulders sink and she winces at my tone. “I never get to have any fun anymore.”

“You just need to be careful for a little while longer and then I’ll let you run as long as you want. As long as you know, I’ll always find you.”

“You promise.” Her full lip pouts out and I grin and pull her to me, hugging her tightly.

“I do. You know that I love you. I just couldn’t bear it if you tripped and hurt yourself. Although I love playing games with you. We need to wait.”

“I’m not that big a klutz,” she huffs.

“Baby, you tripped over air yesterday. If I hadn’t caught you, you’d have fallen down the stairs.”

She blushes and hangs her head. “I know. I’m a klutz. I’m too big and I keep losing my balance.”

I kiss her cheek gently. “And that’s normal. You heard the doctor.”

“I don’t feel normal. I feel like a blimp.”

“Now you’re gonna make me turn you over my knee. You’re not allowed to talk bad about yourself. You’re a beautiful, vibrant woman who just happens to be carrying my baby. You couldn’t be more beautiful to me.”

“How do you always know just what to say?” She whispers, tears pouring down her face.

“Because I have all the inspiration I need. A gorgeous woman and a fantastic life. It couldn’t be better.”

“How about if I let you take me home and very carefully make love to me?”

“That would make it better.”

And once we get home, I slowly undress her, holding her close like the treasure she is. Until she’s bare and writhing in my arms, begging me to please, please hurry.

I ignore her. This is the one time I refuse to do what she asks. And for hours, we delight in the joys of being together, being in love and devouring each other’s bodies until we dissolve into boneless ecstasy, sated for the time being.

But that’s only for now. It never lasts. I’ll always need my wife, desire her body and her happiness more than my own.

She’s my one. My soulmate.

Epilogue Two: Rebel

He’s an absolute asshole. The grinning fool across from me deserves the slap I’m just itching to give him.


“DiRusso. Tony.” He lifts a brow. I know I told you that before.”

He did. I know his name. But I cannot stand the man and I refuse to let him think I remember a damn thing about him.

Nodding, I hand him the paperwork. “I’ve asked you repeatedly if you’re sure about this. That land is worthless. I do not want you to take myself and my siblings to court because you don’t do your due diligence and you buy a worthless property.”

“Shouldn’t you leave me to deal with my own problems, Rebel?”

My hands shake with anger. “I’ve asked you to call me Miss Carter. I am not your friend, Mr. DiRusso. I’m selling you a property.”

“Seems like you’re trying not to sell me a property,MissCarter.”

“If you want it, fine.” I throw my hands up in the air. “Far be it from me to keep you from ruining your life. Here’s the paperwork my family signed. Just sign on the dotted line and it’s all yours.”

“Thank you, Mayor. Pleasure doing business with you.”

“The pleasure’s all yours.”

His wicked grin tugs at his full lips and my heart jerks in my chest wildly. “It could be yours too. Just say the word.”

I have to make myself walk away. There’s no way I want any man let alone this one. I don’t know what his game is but I’m not playing. Never again.

No matter how much his seductive green gaze calls to me.
