Page 61 of Spare Heir

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Richard says, ‘We’re going to dinner, so if you don’t mind stepping aside, we’ll be on our way. I’m sure Nathalie’s had enough of this nonsense.’

Sebastian growls, ‘Nathalie isn’t going anywhere with you.’

I jump at the sound of my name, so gruff on his lips.

Merde! He’s so hot when he goes alpha.

He swats Richard’s hand off my arm like an annoying fly.

‘Get in the car, Nathalie,’ Sebastian commands.

His tone makes my hackles rise and for a second I consider disobeying his ridiculous command and showing him I’m a free agent and can go to dinner with whomever I want, without his permission.

I stare at him and don’t move.

He locks his eyes on mine. ‘Please get in the car,’ he says, his tone more conciliatory now.

I’m about to object when the warning in his eyes stops me. There’s obviously more to this than I realise and so I decide to trust him and go along with his command-like request. Casting a swift apologetic glance at Richard, I tell him I’m going home, and we can do dinner and discuss his proposal another time.

‘Over my dead body,’ Sebastian growls again, and he towers over Richard. ‘You’re not going out with this twat.’

‘What?’ I ask, stunned. I can’t believe he’s talking to Richard this way. It’s so out of character for the usually charming Sebastian.

Richard looks outraged, and like he’s about to protest again, but he remains quiet.

Sebastian’s jaw is set into uncompromising hard lines and if I was Richard, I don’t think I would take him on either. He looks like he’s spoiling for a fight.

‘Give us a moment. Wait for me in the car, please,’ Seb says to me.

I don’t know what to think, but he seems intent on getting me out of the way, so I do as he asks.

Once in the car, I look out the window and see him talking to Richard. A few minutes pass, and I can’t see clearly what’s going on, so I sink into the seat of the luxury vehicle and try to relax.

What was that all about?

Finally, the car door opens, and he gets in.

‘Okay?’ I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders, as Richard’s car roars out of the carpark.

‘He’s a complete wanker. If I’d known you were working for him, I’d have found you a different role, immediately.’

I study his face to gauge if he’s really serious.

‘But I don’t work for him. I volunteer at the centre because I want to,’ I protest.

‘I’ll ask my mum to find you a volunteering role through our foundation, so you don’t have to see him again. Mum knows everyone, so you can probably take your pick.’

Now, I’m even more confused.

‘What?’ he asks. ‘What’s that furrowed brow for?’ He stretches his arm out and rubs his thumb across my forehead. ‘I don’t want you seeing him again. He’s trouble, trust me.’

Whilst a part of me is thrilled he cares so much; the independent woman in me is outraged by his cavalier attitude, bossing me about like he owns me.

‘I appreciate you think you’re doing what’s best for me, but honestly Sebastian, you’re not my boss outside of my job. I like volunteering here in my free time, and I plan to continue doing so.’

He sighs. ‘Sorry. It was insensitive of me to demand it of you, but you’ll see I’m right about him. I’m just trying to save you from learning the hard way.’
