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“Wait,”I demand when I park near Greer’s apartment building and she starts to get out of the car without me. “I’m coming with you.”

She huffs. “It’s broad daylight and we’re both in a hurry. Just let me run up and grab a few things and I’ll be right down.”

“No.” Ignoring any further arguments from her, I step out onto the street and jog around to help her out of the car.

The subtle smile she gives me lets me know she really did want me to come with her, but she wasn’t going to ask me to. Outside of last night, which was extenuating circumstances, Greer Bradley doesn’t like to ask for help.

She’s quick to give it, but not accept it, always keeping up a brave facade. But I don’t need that from her. She doesn’t have to prove to me how brave she is, I already know that. I also know she’s scared and vulnerable, and whether she likes it or not, I’m going to look out for her.

“There are a few more ground rules we need to cover,” she says as we walk up the stairs.

When we get to the top, she pauses and I wonder if she forgot her key or something, but then I look at her face and see the way she eyes the door and then looks around. Instead of bolting, like I can tell she wants to do, she glances once at me and then squares her shoulders.

Business as usual.

I see you, Greer.

I see you.

“Like I was saying,” she says as she inserts the key into the lock, her hand only trembling slightly. “We need to cover some ground rules.”

“Ground rules,” I repeat, placing my hand on the small of her back and feeling her tense, only to completely relax a split second later as she lets out an audible exhale. “Fire away.”

Turning to look at me over her shoulder, she gives me another smile, and in that small gesture she pours in all her gratitude, the things she won’t say, but doesn’t have to.

“Number one,” she begins as we walk into her foyer. “No sleeping around. If we’re doing this, it’s going to look as legit as possible and I’d never be with someone who plays the field.”

With her back to me, she can’t see my smirk, but that’s probably for the best. There’s literally no one I’d want to sleep with right now except her.

“I haven’t slept with anyone in over a month,” I’m not sure why I tell her that, but something inside me needs her to know I’m not fucking around, and haven’t been for a while.

Greer turns to look at me, her brows knitting together like she’s trying to figure out a puzzle.

“I can promise you my dick will stay in my pants,” I confidently reply, as I break away from her gaze and take in her living room. It looks a little disheveled, but I’m assuming that’s due to her quick departure last night. The gift bag she mentioned is laying on the floor by the couch and her coffee table is turned on its side. There are a couple blankets also on the floor and a mug of tea that must have spilled.

The scene helps fill in the blanks of what Greer was too upset to tell me.

She panicked and ran for her life.

And I’m really fucking glad she ran to me.

“I’ll clean this up,” I mutter, rubbing a hand over the back of my neck. “You get your things together.”

“I don’t think we should touch that,” Greer whispers, pointing to the bag.

“Damage is already done, since you held it last night. I’ll get something to put it in and we’ll take it to the police, just in case. But if I had to guess, this fucker didn’t touch the bag or the earring. He sounds pretty conniving to me, so I’m guessing he used gloves or some shit.”

Letting out a long sigh, she nods. “You’re probably right.” As she fills her lungs, I watch as she tries to collect herself. “Don’t worry about the mess, I’ll get it. Just give me a few minutes to get my things.”

“I’ll do it,” I tell her, giving her hip a squeeze. “I don’t mind and it’ll save us time.”

Finally, she gives me a half smile and heads down the hall.

“If I’m keeping my dick in my pants, you can’t fuck anyone either,” I call out, hoping to distract her from the memories of last night long enough for her to get her shit together.
