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Owen would hate you if you made things messy with his fiancée’s best friend.

Fuck if this could be any more complicated.

“Pick your poison,” I tell Greer, laying out our cheese options on the counter and flex my fists, trying to redirect the blood flow to my cock.

I don’t miss the slight look of disappointment that crosses her beautiful face. She quickly masks it with a smirk, but I see it.

“I prefer a triple threat of gouda, provolone, and cheddar. But sometimes, I sprinkle a little parmesan into the pan and let that get crusty on the outside of my bread. Of course, you could always go with the classic—American cheese. There’s nothing wrong with keeping it simple.”

Did you hear that?I ask no one except my dick.

Like my old high school coach used to tell us, “When in doubt, remember to K.I.S.S.: keep it simple, stupid.”



After the delicious grilled cheese,which meant Mack cooked all of my meals today because I hadn’t eaten since the eggs and toast this morning, we went our separate ways. He went to his bedroom to shower again, stating that he always showers twice on game nights—once at the clubhouse and again when he gets home or to his hotel room. And I went to mine.


It’s weird that I even feel comfortable enough to refer to a space in Mack Granger’s house as mine, let alone the ease and quickness in which that happened. But I do feel comfortable here, still not enough to stay in this house by myself while I have a crazy stalker on the loose, but enough that I feel the stress leave my body as I stand under the waterfall shower and try not to picture Mack naked across the hall.

Not helpful.

As I step out of the shower, I think about digging out my vibrator from my bag and putting it to use. An orgasm would definitely do wonders for my stress level—releasing all of those good endorphins into my system. But I also need a release after the interaction with Mack in the kitchen. Unfortunately, my exhaustion wins out and I just want to put on my pajamas and crawl into bed.

Once my damp hair is braided, teeth are brushed, and my face is thoroughly washed, I lather my body with lotion and pull out a fresh set of pajamas.

It’s the same routine I do most nights, but this definitely feels different.

The pull toward Mack’s room hasn’t subsided. I still feel the need to be close to him, maybe it’s the reminder note the stalker left, but I don’t want to be alone.

Tiptoeing out of the spare bedroom, I listen for any signs of life on the other side of Mack’s closed door. With my ear pressed to the hard wood like a creeper, I hold my breath and wait.


No heavy breathing, thankfully, because overhearing Mack rub one out would be enough to make me self-combust and that would be embarrassing. However, I’m a smart woman and I know a man like Mack Granger can’t go from having sex whenever he wants to and however he wants to, to nothing at all.

I’m sure he’s still taking care of his needs.

And that visual is enough to send me back to my own room.

Thanks to the ache between my legs there is no way I can lay beside him and not think about his cock and whether or not it has a piercing. He could’ve been joking about that—locker room talk and all that jazz. But when I asked him about it, the smirk on his face told me he wasn’t.

He definitely has a pierced dick and that’s hot.

I’ve never been with anyone who has a piercing.

Quite frankly—and this is going off only what I’ve witnessed while he’s clothed—I don’t think I’ve ever been with a man who is as well-endowed as Mack Granger. If the steel rod that brushed up against my thigh was any indicator, he’s packing some serious heat.

Just as I’m getting ready to close my door behind me, Mack’s door opens.

“Did you need something?” he asks, his voice sounding subdued and husky.

Clearing my throat, I shake my head. “No, I, uh… I was just going to get a glass of water.” When I turn around and start down the hall, I try not to make eye contact with him, but like always, his gaze pulls me in.

The way his eyebrow lifts in question lets me know he doesn’t believe me, but he doesn’t say anything. “Want to sleep in here again tonight?” he asks, nodding over his shoulder.
