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“If something happens to them, I’ll never forgive myself.”

He holds on a bit longer than normal and I absorb his warmth.

“You better get going,” I finally say, giving him a push. “I don’t want the team to think your new girlfriend made you late. It’ll make me look bad.”

Mack steps back, waggling his eyebrows. “They’ll just think I got lucky.”

“Go,” I tell him, opening my car door. “And if you make up any shit about me it better be good… like, I’m the best lay of your life.”

He chuckles as he rounds the hood of his car, muttering, “I have no doubt about that.”

As I’m backing out of the garage, my phone rings and I see that it’s Detective Briggs.

“Hello,” I answer, as I begin my drive to the station, watching in my rearview mirror as Mack follows behind me in his car.

“Miss Bradley,” the detective says. “I saw your message this morning and wanted to see if there’s a good time for us to meet up today so I can get the new evidence.”

“Sure, I have a meeting this morning, but this afternoon would be okay.”

I have a lot of things on my agenda today, but I realize I have to make time for the detective. At this point, he’s my best bet in figuring out who is stalking me and why. He’s also who I have to thank for all of the added protection around me and I’m grateful.

“This afternoon will be great. I’ve already had the stadium pull the tapes, but same shit different day,” he says, his growing frustration starting to show. I can’t imagine how he must feel, probably wanting to solve this case as much as I do. I mean, it’s his job.

But it’s my life,I think. And I want it back.

“If there’s ever anything I can do to help this case, just know I’m willing to do it,” I tell him. “Whatever it is, I’ll do it. I’m not scared of this guy, just… the unknown. I hate not knowing what he plans next. But if putting myself on the line in some way could bring this to an end, I wouldn’t hesitate.”

“I appreciate that,” Detective Briggs says. “But at this point, we’re all at this guy’s mercy. My job is to keep you as safe as possible until we’re able to figure this out. I know if I was your brother or boyfriend, I wouldn’t want your life to be put in any more danger than it already is.”

Swallowing, I glance in my rearview mirror and see Mack’s car is still behind me as we make our way through the streets of New Orleans.

“So, you think my life is in danger?” I ask. We’ve talked a lot about the emails and notes. We’ve tossed around motives and possible identities, but he’s never said what he thinks the ultimate motive is. Does this guy want me to be scared? Does he know who my family is and possibly wants to extort me for money? Or does he want something more?

“We’re not taking any chances,” is all the detective will say. “And until we find this guy, we’ll be taking every precaution to ensure your safety.”

“And the safety of the people I’m around,” I insist. “More than my safety, I’m worried about theirs. Nothing can happen to Sophie and her kids. She’s doing me a huge favor by letting me stay with her this week. If anything happens—”

“Nothing will happen to them,” he assures me. “Besides that, this guy seems pretty hyper-focused on you. I don’t think we have much to worry about when it comes to other people.”

Is that because I don’t really have anyone in my life to worry about?

Outside of Sophie and Whitney, most of my other friends are only around occasionally, and usually for special events. As we all get older and more settled in our lives and careers, we’re drifting apart.

Maybe the stalker knows just how alone I am.

“Just promise me you’ll keep them safe.”

“I promise, Miss Bradley,” he assures me. “We’re doing everything we can.”

Later that evening, when I pull into the driveway at Owen and Sophie’s, I spot a patrol car doing a slow drive-by and breathe a small sigh of relief.

The second I’m inside the house and surrounded with the love that overflows from this home and everyone in it, my entire body relaxes. It’s not the exact feeling I get when I’m with Mack, but it’s a close second.

“Just wanted to let you know I called in a favor from my family,” Sophie says, giving me a knowing smile as she plates the kids’ dinner. “Theo is having a friend who is in private protection look in on the case and they’ll be keeping watch.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” I tell her, but knowing having an extra layer of protection isn’t a bad idea.

Sophie brushes her long, blonde braid over her shoulder. “You’re my family,” she says, turning to face me. “And I’ll do anything in my power to ensure your safety.”
