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You better take me somewhere good.

Oh, Greer, the places we could go…

“Let’s go lover boy,” Kip, our new shortstop says, giving me a nudge. I hadn’t noticed the bus stopped in front of the stadium because I was so engrossed in my texting with Greer.

“That’ll be enough from you Newbie,” I tell him, sliding out of my seat and making my way down the aisle. “When you’ve been here longer than a season, then you can start giving me shit. Until then, keep your trap shut.”

He laughs good-naturedly, knowing damn well I could really let him have it if I didn’t like the kid so much, but he’s the best shortstop we’ve had and for the most part, minds his business.

Once we’ve all filed out of the bus, we head into the locker room and dress out, getting ready for pre-game warmups.

“How’s everything back home?” Ross asks as we go through a few stretches. “Casey said Sophie and Greer came over the other night with the kids, but Greer seemed a little preoccupied. I know she probably wouldn’t say anything in front of the kids, but is everything okay?”

Doing some hip sways to loosen up my joints, I nod my head. “Yeah, I mean, she’s worried about being around people right now. She feels like she might bring trouble with her, if you know what I mean.”

“This is so fucked up, man,” Ross mutters, eyes on the field around us.

“Tell me about it.”

“She has good protection, yeah?” Ross asks. “I mean, I know you said there is a patrol keeping an eye on Owen and Soph’s and people are keeping an eye on her at work?”

I exhale as I stretch, letting go as much of the bullshit as I can. “Yeah, and I told her she just has to trust the process and stay vigilant.”

When we hit the fifteen-minute mark before the start of the game, Ross starts throwing some pitches and we fall into our pregame routine, letting the troubles from home fall to the wayside.


Great game tonight. I thought Ross was going to throw a no-no. Had me and Sophie on pins and needles.


Thanks. It was a close one. All we care about is the W. Hopefully we’ll get another chance at a perfect game before the season is over.

* * *


Uh, we just got a package delivered to the house and it’s full of personal defense items. Care to explain?


Me and the guys got to talking after the game last night and decided all of you need to be armed, just in case.


A taser? That seems a bit extreme.


Keep it on you at all times. I’d much rather be safe than sorry.

Me,Ross, Owen, and Bo were hanging in Ross’s room last night, talking about all the shit going down with Greer and we decided it would be a good idea for all the women to have a way to protect themselves. Hopefully, this fucker is found soon, but in the meantime, we want them to all be able to protect themselves.

* * *

