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Now that she’s in my orbit, close enough to touch, I find myself wanting more.

It’s not because she needs me. She’s not a damsel in distress. And it’s not because I want to keep her safe, even though, at this point, I’d die trying. It’s more than that.

It’s her strength, her tenacity, the way she doesn’t put up with my bullshit, along with a million little things I can’t quite put into words.

I haven’t even kissed her and I already feel her getting under my skin.

So, basically, I’m fucked.



“The email wasfrom a different address, but there’s no denying the sender is the same,” Detective Briggs says, his frustration obvious even on the other end of the phone line. “We’ve been filtering your messages, but this one slipped through somehow.”

The knot in my stomach starts trying to move up to my throat. “Have there been any other messages I don’t know about?”

“No, I won’t keep you in the dark,” he promises. “That won’t help either of us. But I was trying to catch them first so you didn’t have to be caught off guard again. I’m sorry, Greer.”

Swallowing down my nerves and unease, I let out an exasperated sigh. “It’s not your fault. I just freaked out. It’s like he knows my fears and is playing on them.”

“I hate to bring this up, be he might. I’m going to get you a new cell phone that’s encrypted. Just in case yours has been compromised.”

“Compromised? As in, this guy has now hacked my cell phone?” I ask, trying to keep my voice from rising. There aren’t many people in the office right now, but I don’t want everyone knowing my business. “How does that happen?”

“It’s really not that hard,” Briggs says. “Any time you’re on public Wi-Fi, they’d just need to be within 30 miles of you and have the right software. This guy seems pretty tech savvy, so it’s a strong possibility. That’s why I called you at the station. Until I get you this new phone, try not to use yours. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy isn’t keeping track of your location via your cell phone. Have you noticed any weird issues, like your phone getting really hot or acting sluggish?”

Thinking back over the week, my mind goes to all the times I popped into Neutral Grounds to work. I felt safe because I knew someone from the police station was tailing me. It never crossed my mind that dangers could come from somewhere like my phone.

“Yeah,” I finally answer, picking up my phone and looking at it like it’s not a dangerous weapon. “The other day after I worked at the coffee shop I go to pretty often, my phone shut down and then started back up. I just thought it was some sort of glitch, but it has been acting weird ever since then.”

“Shit,” he mutters. “I’ll be by later this evening to switch out phones. We’ll take yours and go through it and give it back when it’s cleaned off and secure.”

I appreciate the company, but it won’t keep me from getting to you.

The panic I felt when I read that email this morning was enough to send me packing from Sophie’s, taking this threat as far from her and the kids as possible. Now it makes sense how it was so easy for this guy to find me. If he hacked my phone earlier this week, he’s probably been able to use my phone to find my location.

“Ugh, I hate this. I want it to end so bad I’m ready to go out in the parking lot and just lay down, let him come and get me. The longer this goes on, the more pissed I’m getting. What does he want?”

“Attention, notoriety,” Detective Briggs offers. “It’s hard to say. The pattern is all over the place, so it’s not giving us a lot to go off. But it does seem to be subtly escalating, so we need to stay diligent. Surveillance, patrol… don’t go anywhere alone if you can help it. I know it’s inconvenient, but it’s necessary. I feel like we’re getting close to a break.”

I don’t doubt that, but will it be my stalker that breaks or me?

“What are you still doing here?” George asks as he walks through the bullpen with his jacket. “Shouldn’t you be at home getting ready for your boyfriend’s return from a week away.”

“Editing,” I tell him, keeping my focus on my screen.

“For what? Next week’s broadcast?”

Always a smartass.

“Just getting a head start… reviewing some notes and doing a little fact checking.”

He stops in front of my desk and stares down at me. “Is there something I should know?”


