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At that, my heart slows to a steady pace, almost melting in my chest.

“Did you not order anything?” he asks, now eyeing the bag suspiciously.

I reach out and take it, suddenly feeling flustered for an entirely different reason. Mack is constantly surprising me, being a man I could honestly see myself with, not just on a fake relationship basis, but a real one, and I don’t know what to do with that realization.

“Uh, no, I didn’t, but Ma—my boyfriend did,” I say, giving him a nervous chuckle and eye roll, trying to brush it off like it’s no big deal, but failing miserably.

“Sounds like a keeper,” Charles says before turning to head back to the production room, leaving me alone with my grilled cheese and soup and a ridiculous smile on my face.

Damn it, Mack. What are you doing to me?


Thank you. That was very sweet of you.


Just looking out for my girl. I can’t have anyone thinking I’m shitty at this relationship thing. That wouldn’t do any favors for my image.

That sounds like a line of bullshit, but I let it go, because I don’t want to fight him on this one. The reality is no one is watching, so he didn’t have to do this. He didn’t have to do any of the sweet things he’s done for me in the past week, yet he’s done them anyway.

Cared for my scrapes after I fell.

Took me in, no questions asked.

Let me sleep in his bed.

Made me breakfast and dinner… and coffee.

The coffee alone is more than most of my past boyfriends have accomplished.

Two hours later, my delicious, thoughtful dinner is long gone and I’ve bunched up a spare sweater to use for a pillow. I’m not in a deep sleep, but I’m dozing off for sure, enough that there’s a little drool on my cheek.

When my phone rings, I jump and grab it, blinking rapidly to clear the fog. I’ve almost forgotten where I am and it takes me a second to look at the screen and see Mack’s name.

“Hello,” I say, looking around the room as I answer and seeing there are a couple new faces, which means a few of the early morning crew made it in while I was asleep.

“Greer?” Mack’s tone is worried and it immediately puts me on edge.

“Yeah, what’s wrong?”

“You didn’t answer my text,” he says, causing me to pull my phone back and see my missed notifications.

“Sorry, I fell asleep at my desk.”

His audible sigh is full of relief. “Thank God. I was getting ready to storm the gates. I’m out front. Why don’t you leave your car and I’ll drive you to work.”

“Honestly, I should just stay. I need to be back here by ten and that’s only,” pausing, I check the time. “Shit, that’s only seven hours from now. You need to get some rest too.”

“I wake up at the same time every morning, regardless of what time I go to sleep. Get your ass out here or I’m coming in to get you.”

God, it’s good to hear his voice.We’ve kept in touch this past week, but all our communication has been through text messages. Hearing that deep grumble, which is even deeper right now because he’s probably more tired than I am, it does things to my body.

“I’ll be right out.”

After locking my computer, I tidy up my desk and grab my bag.

“I’m out,” I say, popping my head into Charles’ cubicle. “Let George know I’ll be back in time for the production meeting.”
