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I also want to shut down those cocky assholes and prove that I’m just as good, if not better, than any man who’s ever been in my position. And I want them to know I’m there for the story, not to flirt with every player.

So, I’m going to make the best of it and kick ass while I’m with the team. I need to impress George and anyone else who’s watching.

One way to ensure that happens is to avoid Mack as much as possible, because it’s obvious he knows how to push my buttons and rile me up.

From the second I walked into the clubhouse and overheard his manwhore comment, I felt my hackles go up. I’ve always known that Mack is a player, but hearing him talk about having his dick sucked by Holly “The Hoover” Cooper made me want to bleach my ears… but that last bit, about the Prince Albert, made my lady bits tingle.

How is that legal?

Men as hot as Mack Granger shouldn’t be allowed to have things like Prince Alberts.

I’ve never been with a man who had his dick pierced…I wonder—

“Greer?” Sophie asks, reclaiming my attention.


“Thought I lost you for a sec,” she says.

My cheeks heat. I know she can’t see me and has no clue I was just thinking about Mack Granger’s pierced cock, but I’m embarrassed anyway. Clearing my throat, I fake a yawn. “No, sorry. I’m just tired,” I say, walking over to my chest of drawers to pull out some pajamas.

I really am exhausted, that part isn’t a lie. All I want after the day I’ve had is my couch, a bag of potato chips, and a bottle of wine.

“Let’s have lunch soon,” Sophie suggests.

“Don’t you start back to school next week?” I ask, realizing the month of July is practically history and August… Well, New Orleans summers are brutal for kids returning to school. I’m counting down the days until fall and a reprieve from the sweltering heat and humidity.

Sophie sighs. “Yes, and I’m equal parts excited and already counting the days until the first break.”

We both laugh. I can’t imagine how taxing it is to shape and mold children, but Sophie was born to teach and she was also born to be a mother. Even though she started out as a nanny for Owen’s kids, Molly and Ryan, she quickly became more of a mother figure.

“Well, that calls for a night at Lagniappe. The team travels back on Sunday and has an early game on Monday, maybe we could meet up that night for dinner, unless Owen won’t let you out of his meaty paws.”

“I heard that,” a gruff voice growls.

I smirk. “Permission to take your fiancée to dinner, sir.”

“Permission granted.”

I hear Sophie and Owen laughing, probably doing things unsuitable for the eyes of children.

“Okay, I’m going to let you two go do whatever you do when the Revelers win.”

I know all about baseball players and their superstitions and traditions. I have no doubt Sophie and Owen get wild in the bedroom. Even though they both come across as well-mannered and wholesome, I’ve heard enough to know their private time is anything but.

“Dinner next Monday,” Sophie calls out. “Love you!”

“Love you too. See you soon.”

When I walk into the kitchen to grab the wine and potato chips, I feel a little lighter. Somewhere between my hot shower and much-needed chat with Sophie, I don’t feel as frustrated or annoyed. Still a bit turned on, if I’m being honest, but that’s nothing my vibrator can’t fix.

I wonder if they make one with a Prince Albert piercing?

Is that a thing?

“Hello,” Whitney’s voice calls out just as I’m snuggling into the couch and grabbing for the remote. “Greer?”

“Living room,” I call back.
