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“Whoa,” Aiden says with a chuckle. “Everything alright? You headed to the charity event?”

I walk over to the sink and grab a glass for a drink of water.

“Not yet, but we’re leaving soon.”

“Are you ready for this?”

With the glass under the tap, I fill it half full.

“This isn’t fucking rocket science,” I quip, turning the water off and chugging the contents of the glass.

There, that’s better.

Maybe I’m just a little dehydrated.

“Well, for someone like you, it is.”

Rolling my eyes, I think about hanging up on him.

“It’s not that I can’t be in a relationship. It’s that I’ve never wanted to be,” I correct. “Get your facts straight before you start giving me shit. And for your information, tonight will be a breeze. Greer and I are getting along great, so there’s nothing to worry about. We’ll sell this like a kid selling lemonade on a hot day.”

Aiden chuckles. “I’ve always admired your confidence, Mack. Go get ’em, Tiger. And call me tomorrow.”

He ends the call and I sigh, placing my hands on the counter while I take a deep breath and feeling much more centered.

Behind me, the clack of high heels on hardwood floors quickens my pulse.

“I’m ready, sorry if you’ve been waiting long.”

Greer’s head is down as she adjusts a bracelet on her wrist. Her dark hair is pulled back at the nape of her long, delicate neck. The silky green dress she’s wearing accentuates her amazing curves without showing too much. It’s sexy, but elegant.

Exactly like Greer.

Even when she’s wearing jeans or sweatpants, she still looks sexy and elegant.

But this.

This is more than my building desire for her can handle and I’m forced to beat it down with a bat. Swallowing, I adjust my tie and clear my throat, trying to play it cool and like she didn’t just render me speechless.

“I was just talking to Aiden,” I say, needing a distraction from the goddess standing in front of me. “He was making sure I don’t fuck this up.”

Her sly smile draws my gaze to those luscious red lips and I have to bite down on the inside of my cheek to not physically react and do something stupid, like pull her into my arms and kiss the ever-loving shit out of her.

“It’s always good to have someone to keep you on the straight and narrow,” she says, patting my chest on her way by and bowling me over with that seductive, sweet scent.

It’s a little more amplified than usual and I want to drown in it.

“What would you know about that?” I ask, thinking Greer does what she wants, when she wants. Other than Sophie, I don’t think anyone can tell this woman what to do.

“Oh, for you,” she says, her smile widening. “Not me. I’m perfect and don’t need that kind of guidance in my life.”

Now, it’s my chance to laugh, and I do, a big, hearty laugh that shakes out the cobwebs and eases the anxiety and tension I was feeling. “Oh, that’s rich, Miss Bradley.”

Greer isn’t perfect, but I wouldn’t want her to be.

It’s the flaws and imperfections that have surfaced over the last few weeks that endears her to me, making me look past the gorgeous exterior that seems to have walked right out of a fashion magazine and see her for exactly who she is.

A woman who is blazing her own path and taking life by the horns. Even when life throws her curveballs, she still gets up every day and does the damn thing. Sure, she’s been afraid and lets that dictate her actions, but she’s also stronger for it.
