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Turning to Greer, I give her a small smile before saying, “I’d like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Greer Bradley.”

“Miss Bradley,” Mr. LeBlanc says, turning his attention to Greer. “I believe we’ve met before.”

Greer smiles and nods. “Yes, sir. I interviewed you a few years ago when I first started my job as a reporter at WDSU.”

“That’s right,” he says. “And now you’re a correspondent for our Revelers, what an interesting turn of events. I love your work.”

She beams. “Thank you so much.”

“I just want to say how much I appreciate all the charity work you do,” Mr. LeBlanc says, causing my shoulders to tense under his praise. “It’s players like you that make our team so great. And I know you don’t like to be recognized, but I want you to know it doesn’t go unnoticed.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Greer’s grip on my hand tightens a little and I adjust the collar of my shirt.

Mr. LeBlanc reaches out and grips my shoulder. “We’ll let you get back to your evening. Mr. Granger… Miss Bradley, always a pleasure.”

“Great meeting you both,” Cohen says, giving us a polite smile.

For the next half hour, Greer and I work the room like we’ve done this a hundred times. She’s charming and knows a lot more people than I expected her to, but due to her family connections and her current job, it puts her in front of a lot of different people. With every encounter, I find myself holding her closer and not wanting to let her go.

“I could really use a drink,” Greer mutters as we’re coming back around to where we started.

“You read my mind,” I concur. “How about you go find our table and I’ll track down the bar.”

“Sounds like teamwork at its finest.”

I damn near pat her fine ass as I walk off, but stop myself just in time. She probably would’ve had my balls for that one, but I can’t help it. I just want to touch her, any and all parts of her.

For a moment, I watch her walk away, appreciating the sway of her hips.

“How did you land that?”

Turning, I see Jason Freeman and my good mood immediately turns sour.

What the fuck ishedoing here?

“Freeman,” I nod curtly. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”

“You’re not the only do-gooder on the team, Brick. Besides, this is a great place to pick up women. Cougars, MILFs,andtheir rich ass daughters. I’m in the prime of my life and can easily take any of them home. But once you’re finished with Miss Bradley, I’d happily take your sloppy seconds.”

The growl that erupts from my chest is involuntary. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll back the fuck up and show her some respect.”

I want to instruct him to not look at her or talk to her or even breathe in her vicinity, but I can’t, because her job involves communicating with the team. Unfortunately, that includes Jason fucking Freeman.

He chuckles, loving that he’s worked his way under my skin. “We both know you’ll get tired of her. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on her when you’re done,” he says, winking and slapping my shoulder like we’re part of the good ol’ boys club.

My jaw aches from the way I’ve been clenching my teeth and when Bo walks up, he frowns. “What’s up?” he asks, looking around. “Where’s Greer?”

Nostrils flared, I exhale. “She’s at the table. I was just headed to the bar until I ran into Freeman.”

“I can’t stand that guy,” Bo mutters. “Don’t let him get to you. That fucker just likes to hear himself talk.”

I give myself a minute to cool off. I know Bo is right, but I don’t trust Freeman. I might’ve been Big League’s Biggest Playboy, but this fucker takes it to a new level. He’ll likely steal that crownandreinvent it. But I also know I can’t do anything about his bullshit. There’s no way in hell I’d put him in his place and risk being suspended. We have too much riding on the next month of games and I wouldn’t screw myself or my team over like that.

Bo claps my shoulder and together, we walk to the bar, getting a beer for us and two martinis for the girls.

On our way back to the table, I feel Bo cutting his eyes over at me.
