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From the light kisses on my cheek to his alpha male display of staking his claim, everything he did tonight had a direct line to my clit.

My core has literally ached with need all night long.

“About that contract negotiation,” he says with a low grumble—just for our ears—as his hand slides up my thigh, sending chills down my spine and causing goosebumps to erupt along my arms.

Oh, God.

“I think we should consider making an addendum.”

“What did you have in mind?” I whisper, trying to control my voice so I don’t give away how much I want him right now. My libido hasn’t been this charged since I had my first orgasm and realized what all the fuss was about. I’ve been chasing that high for the last eight years, mostly falling short, but I’ve never been one to give up that easy.

And something tells me Mack Granger can deliver.

“I’d like to hear your thoughts.” He keeps his eyes ahead, but the way his fingers inch closer to the apex of my thigh tells me he wants exactly what I want.

Swallowing down my need, I focus on just breathing. “Sex. I want to have sex,” I admit, keeping my voice low. “We can’t have it with other people and I need it. I have too much pent-up emotion and tension, and I… I need the release.”

It’s not a lie, but it’s also not the complete truth, because that would mean admitting to Mack Granger that I want him and only him. It’s notjustsex. I’ve gone without that for a lot longer than a few months. Some of my droughts have lasted for the better part of a year. There’s no question I can handle my own business. But this is about more than a release.

I want him, and with every little piece of himself he shows me, I only want him more.

Mack’s fingers pause as he lightly grips my thigh. “Are you sure?” he asks. “Because if this is you busting my balls or some sort of—”

“I’d never tease about sex,” I deadpan, turning to look him in the eyes.

In the darkness of the backseat, his features seem predatory, and it makes my blood course like lava through my veins. “Just like our agreement for this fake relationship,” I say, putting it out there for a reminder, not only for him, but me too, “I think this could be mutually beneficial.”

His tongue darts out, eyes trained on my mouth.

When he dips his head, I think he’s finally going to kiss me, but he stops, brushing his thumb over my lips. Feeling like I’m about to combust, I flick my tongue out to taste his salty skin.

“Hold that thought,” he growls, and shifts to adjust his cock.

Closing my eyes, I press a hand to my mouth, distracting myself by looking out the window and willing the driver to go faster. Something about the anticipation of this moment makes me feel like I’m a teenager again—on the precipice of something life changing.

An incredulous laugh threatens to erupt from my chest, but I tamp it down.

When the driver finally pulls up to the gate, Mack jumps out and punches in the code, refusing to let anyone have a sliver of access to the sanctuary he’s created.

A minute later, we’re being dropped off at the front door and we quickly make our way into the house. Mack disarms the alarm and then immediately resets it before turning to me.

“Tell me again,” he says, leaning his back against the door.

“Tell you what?”

I am teasing him now, but he likes it. I know he does. I can tell by the way his full lips quirk into a grin.

“Tell me about all the sex you want to have with me.”

Tugging on the lapels of his jacket, I pull him flush against me and align our bodies. “I want to have all the sex. With you. We both know neither of us would ever be in a real relationship without sex, so why torture ourselves in this fake one? You're available. I’m available. You have needs. I have needs. And we set our own—”

In a split second, he grabs my waist and lifts me to my toes, cutting off my words with a searing kiss.

His lips part mine as his tongue teases and tastes. My bones melt, allowing him complete access as I kiss him back just as fiercely.

With every nip and lick, zaps of electricity course through my body—reaching from my head down to my toes and making me crave him even more.

His taste.
