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I’ve wanted to do that every morning since she started sleeping in my bed.

“How did you sleep?” Her tone is hesitant and I’m hoping she’s not having regrets, because I sure as hell am not.

When I lightly trail kisses down her shoulder blade, she shivers and pushes her pert ass into my already hard cock.

“Best sleep I’ve had since the off-season. How about you?”

“Best sleep I’ve had since college.”

She laughs and it’s my new favorite sound.

When she turns in my arms, her eyes are hooded and I can honestly say I’ve never seen anyone sexier than Greer Bradley, especially this version of her.

“What time do you have to be at work?” I ask, pressing close to brush my lips against hers.

Leaning into me, she deepens the kiss.

The next thing I know, she’s under me and I’m balls deep inside her.

A few minutes later, her heels are digging into my ass as she clings to my shoulders and shudders around me, crying out my name.

Her orgasm is enough to send me over the edge and I can’t remember a morning better than this one. I do one-night stands, but that doesn’t usually include sleepovers and I’ve never had a woman in this bed.

But it’s more than that. Greer is quickly working her way under my skin and behind any walls I’ve put up and I’m not sure what to do about it.

For now, I drag her fine ass to the shower and after I wash her entire body, I drop to my knees and enjoy my first breakfast of the day.

An hour later, I’m standing in the kitchen plating up our second breakfast of waffles and fresh fruit when Greer walks in looking like she just stepped off the pages of a magazine.

“Are you on location this morning?”

After being roomies for the past few weeks, I’ve started to get her routine down pat. On days she’s not on location, she typically wears business casual and minimal makeup, but on days she’s going to be in front of the camera, she goes in wearing a dress and heels with full makeup.

Today is one of those days and I want nothing more than to strip her out of that dress and prop her ass on the counter while I devour her.

The heels can stay.

“Yeah,” she says, taking her usual seat at the bar and immediately going for her coffee. “George needs me to cover a grand opening for a new office building in the business district.”

“Busy day.” I slide her plate in front of her.

When she sees the waffles her eyes flare with excitement. “I was convinced the only thing you make for breakfast is eggs and toast. Granted, you’ve made me a variety… scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, fried eggs on avocado toast, omelets… but waffles?”

She looks like a kid on Christmas morning with her hands clasped under her chin.

“If I’d known waffles made you this happy, I would’ve pulled out the griddle long before today.”

Bracing her hands on the counter, she pushes up and leans over, planting a kiss on my lips.

Now I’m the one who’s smiling like a loon.

“Thank you,” she says, sitting back on her barstool and placing the napkin I set out for her in her lap. With a happy little grin still on her face, she takes her first bite and moans. “Oh, God. I can’t decide what I love more… these waffles or the multiple orgasms.”

I laugh, unable to take my eyes off her.

This woman.

So pristine at times.
