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I need you.

This is no longer fake for me either.

Maybe I’m projecting or maybe it’s Ross’s words lingering in my ear, but I swear I see it.

“Take care of my girl,” I instruct Brian, hoisting my bag onto my shoulder. “Be safe.”

“Great game tonight, Mack,” she calls out after me.

Turning as I continue to walk toward the door, I give her a wink. “All for you, baby.”

We’re still putting on a show, right?

At least for now.

When I hear her laugh echo around the mostly-empty locker room, a wide smile splits my face.Goddamn, this woman.

Once I get to my room, the lingering adrenaline from the game is still pulsing through my body. It’s not the intense rush I feel during and right after a game, but it’s still humming. Normally, before Greer—before I decided to change my life and how I live it—I would’ve reached out to a random woman. I would’ve found that release and went on my merry way, never to think of her again. But now, standing in the middle of this empty hotel room, all I want—all I can think—about is Greer.

Her smile.

Her body.

Her banter.

Her mind.

Our conversations.

The way she makes me feel.

The contentment and happiness.

My brain wants to tell me it’s too good to be true. There’s no way I found this magical thing—something I’ve had to sit by and watch my closest friends obtain— in a fake relationship. It was supposed to be an arrangement to get her out of a bad situation and improve my reputation. That’s it.

So, why am I standing here contemplating flipping the script?

When my phone rings, a charge of anticipation sweeps across my nerves.

“Hey,” I say, loving that she’s here. She’s in the same city and hotel. I don’t have to make do with just hearing her voice or seeing her gorgeous face over a FaceTime call. I can have her.

“I’m back. I’m sure you want to head out and celebrate with your team. I just wanted you to—”

“I’ll be there in two minutes. Three tops, and that’s only if the elevator is slow. Fuck that, I’ll just take the stairs.”

Greer laughs. “Are you sure? Don’t you want—”

“I want you.”

There’s a long pause before Greer answers quietly, “I want you too.”

That’s all I need, just that confirmation she’s on the same page, and I’m out the door and headed down the hall.

The second I go to knock on Greer’s door, she opens it and pulls me in by my shirt.

Her lips are on mine and I grip her luscious ass, lifting her up my body until her legs wrap around my torso. Turning, I push her into the wall and grind against her.

“You weren’t joking,” Greer breathes out as I make my way down her neck, nipping and sucking and inhaling her sweet and spicy scent—something that’s uniquely Greer. I can’t get enough.
