Page 38 of The Reality Duet

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It’s time to man up.

[Roll intro]

“I’m Patrick Jonas, and welcome to another episode ofMarried Blind.”

[Theme music plays]

[Cut to commercial break]

“Welcome back. Our third season has seen some fantastic competitions, we’ve witnessed a couple fall in love, a man transform for his wife, and a Hollywood romance take shape. Its day sixty and things are heating up between our newlyweds. Our online polls show the favorites right now are Joshua and Joey. I’m willing to bet it’s because of that steamy fight they had in the confession room, wouldn’t you? Let’s hear what the audience thinks about the latest developments.”

[Camera pans to audience members]

“Tell us who you think will win?”

[Audience members stand at microphones]

“Well, I think Joshua and Joey will win, but Joshua is leading Joey on. He’s in love with Jules Maxwell, and rumors are she’s planning their wedding.”

“Interesting thought, thank you for that. Let’s hope that’s not true for Joey’s sake.”

[Pause for new member]

“Who’s your favorite?”

“Definitely Millie and Cole, you can tell they’re in love.”

[PJ faces camera]

“So there you have it. You’ve heard the views of some of our audience members, but we’d also like to hear what you think. Go to our website and take part in the latest poll to let us know who you think will win Married Blind. We’ll be back after the commercial break.”

[Make-up fix]

[Check lighting]

[Break over]

[Audience applause]

“We think our newlyweds have had it a bit too easy, don’t you?”

[Audience cheers]

“For the remaining thirty days, our houseguests will compete not only against each other, but another couple as well. We’ll be introducing another couple and. . . well, let’s say things are about to get interesting.”

[Audience oohs]

[Switch to the live feed]

“Hello, newlyweds!”

[All respond]

“How is everyone tonight?”

[All respond]

“With only thirty days left, you must be excited for the finale?”
