Page 60 of The Reality Duet

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Pulling her forward, our lips meet as if they need to touch. The lukewarm water moves around us. Joey shivers, and as much as I’d like to think it’s from my awesome make out skills, it’s because we’re cold.

“Do you want to go to bed?” I ask as my lips kiss the flesh behind her ear, trailing my tongue down her neck.

She nods and in a perfect world I can stand and hold her to me, but I can’t. I tap her leg and she stands before me, naked and beautiful. I’ve been waiting for weeks to be in this room with her and now that I have her behind a closed door with no cameras I can finally be with her. I know it won’t be the same as when we’re together on our honeymoon.

Joey walks to the bed, mesmerizing me with the sway of her ass. I can’t watch as she crawls over the comforter. I think my heart stops when she looks at me with bedroom eyes.

“Tell me how things will be when the shows over,” she says as I crawl over the top of her. I kiss a trail starting at her ankle until I’ve reached her lips.

“We’re going to go somewhere warm and private. I want to swim in the ocean with you. I want to make love to you under the stars and I want to rub lotion all over your body. We have a week before I have to go to work.” I pause and look at her. “Will you go to Alabama with me?”

“Under one condition,” she says.

I search her eyes for any sign that she’s about to give me a major ultimatum. I see nothing but love and admiration, both feelings that I intend to shower her with once we’re out of his house.

“What’s that?” I hedge, preparing for the worst.

“We visit the water tower and the beach fromSweet Home Alabama?”

I sit up on my hands slightly, unwilling to really disengage from her. “Do you like that movie?”

“It’s my favorite.”

“Of course,” I tell her without hesitation. I’ll do whatever she wants as long as she’s there waiting for me at the end of my shoots.

“Excellent,” I say as I settle myself between her legs. Everything about her is perfect and the fact that she’s so willing to come on location with me makes me happy. In a few short weeks, all of this will be over and we can start our lives. I rub my arousal against her, gauging her reaction. Joey flexes her hips, showing me that she’s ready.

"Condom," Joey whispers, reminding me that I need to be responsible.

I reach for the bowl and grab the first one I see and tear open the package without looking at the color. If it's blue, I may have flashbacks of it sticking to my leg. After I'm fully sheathed, I push in and her eyes close.

“Look at me,” I ask as my fingers caress her cheek. When she does, her eyes are lit with desire. We move together in unison, our bodies creating the needed friction we’ve been waiting for. Joey locks her ankles behind my back, giving me less space to move. Everything is tighter, deeper this way. Her hips rock into me while her heels push down on my back urging me to go faster. I bite down on her nipple and her back arches, showing me that she loves what I’m doing.

“Joshua. . .”

“God, Joey, hearing you say my name. . .”

She whimpers and starts moving faster. I need to learn her body. I have to know the signs so I can make her feel amazing. My hand slides down between our bodies, giving her the pressure she’s looking for. I groan when her walls clench and lose control.

I fall on her, out of breath and sweaty. Rolling slightly to the side, I pull her to me, unwilling to let her go. She nestles in my arms; her fingers dance over my skin until her lips take their place. She’s going to drive me crazy, but somehow I think that’s her intention. When she pushes me down and climbs on top of me, I have no choice but to submit. With Joey straddling me, all sense is gone.

I’m way overboard and there’s no saving me now.



The day is finally here.I should be packing or making arrangements to meet Millie for lunch in a couple of weeks, but I’m not. I’m freaking out. I’m hiding in the shade under the pretenses that I don’t feel well and need to be left alone. Tonight, Joshua and I will be alone together for the first time. I don’t count our time in the master suite because people were still in the house, lingering and always making stupid snide comments about what happens behind the closed and tightly locked door. No, later tonight it’ll just be him and I without any interruptions and I’m freaking the hell out. I know it’s not our first time, but it feels like it.

Everyone is doing their own thing today. Josh is doing laundry and packing. Amanda is sunbathing and avoiding Gary. I don’t think they’re going to make it. Gary is pretty smitten with Rebekah, but neither of them has said how they know each other. Bronx insists that his marriage is legit and they’re in love. Rebekah does dote on Bronx, which is sort of sickening, but who am I to judge? I think my husband walks on water. Cole and Millie are freaking out about what tomorrow brings and where will they live. They both have good jobs that neither is willing to give up. They’re both banking on winning tonight. Part of me thinks they will, but I think it’ll come down to Josh and Bronx. Their fanbases will be voting in droves and Cole and Millie can’t compete with those fangirls. I can’t either, but I’m going to try.

Bronx walks outside and starts to stretch. I shouldn’t be looking him. He’s beautiful, fit, and stupidly gorgeous. He didn’t always look like this, though. The Bronx I knew was a bit on the scrawny side, and often times shy. When he said he was dropping out to pursue acting I thought he had fallen and hit his head, but he was determined and it’s paid off. Even behind my sunglasses he knows I’m watching him as he wiggles his fingers at me in a dumb wave. I could pretend I didn’t see him, but it’s too late for that since he’s walking over this way. I could act like I’m sleeping, but knowing Bronx he’ll just wake me up.

He sits down next to me and sighs. I should ignore him, but he’s my friend. I do like him as such even though he tells me I’m making a mistake with Josh. Maybe he’s just looking out for me, or maybe he’s the blinking neon sign that is telling me to run and run fast. Thing is, I’m in love with Josh. It’s not the stupid celebrity crush type of love where I’m falling to my feet and crying my eyes out when he walks by type, but the type where my heart aches when he’s not near me and my skin tingles when he caresses me. It’s the type of love where my breathing hitches when he walks into a room and my heart stops when he says my name. I have to trust that he feels the same way or he wouldn’t want to try anything after the show.

“What are your plans for after the show?”

“The press tour, or don’t you have to participate because you came in late?”
