Page 73 of The Reality Duet

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“I fell in love. Joey is the most beautiful, smart, funny, and down to earth woman I’ve ever met. She gets me and doesn’t let my profession define us. I love her.” I take my hand away and place my fingers under her chin to turn her face toward me. “I love you, Joey.”

The crowd erupts in a boisterous cheer. Once they’ve calmed down, I drop down to my knee and pull out the black velvet box that has been sitting in my pocket since last night. I open the lid, earning gasps from the three women closest to me.

“Joey, I know we’re already married, but I would really like to do things right. Will you marry me in front of our family and friends? Will you be my partner in all things and marry me. . . again?”

I gaze into her eyes as her hand covers her mouth. She glances from me to the crowd who are yelling for her to say yes, and some even saying that they’ll marry me. I try not to laugh, but I can’t help it.

It seems like minutes until words are spoken.

“We’ll be back after the commercial break to see what Joey has to say.”

Backstage at theHelenshow, the producers ofMarried Blindstand there, shocked. They were already dealing with the fallout from Amanda and Gary’s relationship and Amanda’s lawsuit that had been filed earlier this morning citing fraud; and were preparing a press release for after today’s broadcast in light of the Joshua and Joey Wilson fallout that was soon to happen once their divorce hit the newswire.

None of them expected to watch Josh get down on bended knee and propose.

“Can you zoom in on the ring?” Barry asks the cameraman who does as he’s asked.

“At least five carats,” Barry’s assistant says.

“Run a quick promo,” Barry barks.


Barry rolls his eyes at the incompetence. “Clearly we have another show.”

“Right, of course, what would you like to call it?”

“Married Blind: Reality,” Barry says as if his assistant should’ve read his mind.

During the commercial break, while the audience waits for Joey to answer, the promo ad runs announcing a fall airing ofMarried Blind: Reality, leaving the viewers at home wondering what on earth it can be about.

Once the assistant has run off, Barry dials his boss and waits patiently for the call to connect. Once it does, he spills on his idea, confident that his boss will say yes. Joshua and Joey Wilson were fan favorites. . . there was a reason why they didn’t win.

* * *



“Joey,I know we’re already married, but I would really like to do things right. Will you marry me in front of our family and friends? Will you be my partner in all things and marry me. . . again?”

My teeth press together in both a form of anger and excitement. This is what I wanted weeks ago, the declaration and commitment, and now that I’m getting it, I don’t know what to do. Everyone in the audience is yelling at me to say yes, or they’re saying they’ll marry him. I want to remind them all that he comes with an incredible amount of baggage in the name of Jules Maxwell and that may be too much for most people to handle.

The host, Helen, is looking at me, anxiously waiting for my answer. In fact, everyone is staring at me, and suddenly I’m too hot and sweat is starting to run down my face, ruining my make-up. Over Josh’s shoulder, there’s a producer holding his hand up, like he’s asking me to stop or stall my answer.

Josh laughs and I wonder if he finds this comical or if he’s placating the audience because I’m taking too long. Is there a set time limit on when you have to answer a marriage proposal? I’m trying to decide my future here, and up until a minute ago, I thought I was headed for divorce court.

Josh and I make eye contact and that’s when I see it, the sincerity in his proposal. My eyes fall to the black velvet box he’s holding, where the cushioned diamond ring catches the studio lights overhead, sparkling brightly as a result. I remember his words from the beginning about my ring and know that he’s doing this the right way. Finally, my eyes land on the producer with his hand still up in the air and I realize I don’t care about this show, or anyone’s ratings, I only care about Josh.

“Yes,” I reply, covering my mouth to avoid crying out with happiness. “Yes, Josh, I’ll marry you.”

He stands, pulls me into his arms, and swings me around before kissing me in front of the live studio audience. “I love you, Joey,” he says in between kisses and I tell him that I love him, too. My love for him is beyond the crazy stalker fan kind of love. It’s genuine and heartfelt. He makes me happy. He makes me laugh. Most importantly, he makes me want to be a better person.

As soon as he sets me down, he slips the ring on my finger where it fits perfectly. Our friends congratulate us and the make-up assistant rushes out to once again fix our faces. When I glance at Josh, he’s wiping tears that have fallen from his eyes. My heart beats faster knowing that our future has moved him in such a way that he’s cried. The make-up staff tells me I’m done, so I sit back down and can feel someone staring at me. I know it’s Bronx and I know he doesn’t approve, but this isn’t his life, it’s mine. I purposely avoid looking over at him because I don’t need to see the expression on his face. He has his happiness and he should be happy for me, no matter who I choose to be with.

“Welcome back,” Helen says as she faces the camera. Josh puts his arm around me and instead of him pulling me close I go willingly. “When we left you, Josh was on bended knee asking Joey to marry him.” Helen looks at us and I can’t hide the smile on my face. I flash my hand and the audience cheers again, which is likely on cue, but I don’t care. I’m engaged to remarry the man that I love.

“So when’s the big day?” Helen asks.
