Page 15 of Home Wrecker

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Both Glen and I made it a point to call, letting the kid’s mothers know we’d had car trouble and we’d texted them frequent updates. I’d thought Holly took it in stride. Guess I was wrong.

She cups Bhodi’s cheek. “Tired, Bugaboo?”

He nods, leaning against her stomach for another hug, and then scoots down the hall. We both call goodnight after him and he waves his hand behind his back as if saying the words back is too much effort.

“He doesn’t need you to tuck him in?”

“He’s grown up,” she says with dramatic air quotes. “Mind you, the first bump in the night or bad dream he’s climbing into my bed.” She gestures to a room to my right with a side lamp on.

In any other row house it’s supposed to be used as an office. The panes of the single French door are painted black so no light can shine through.

Holly sighs heavily, drawing my attention away from her personal space.

“Oh, I forgot. He bought you something.” I hand over the brown paper shopping bag with the ornament in it. “You may want to wait to open it. He seemed excited to get it for you.”

She sets the bag to the side and asks me about the trip, screwing the top off of the bottle as she does.

I run a hand through my hair, apologizing for how late we’ve gotten back “It took longer than expected for the tow truck driver to show. It was easy to get a rental, but the closest location was closed.” We wound up getting an Uber to a small airport that happened to have flights arriving later and a national car agency in the terminal. “And then we dropped off Glen, and now we’re here.” I spread my arms wide, ready to take a bow.

“Impressive.” Holly downs another shot. “You must be tired.”

“I was until we pulled in and got out of the car. Sort of a second wind, I guess.” I admit leaving out how the alcohol makes me nervous that she’s going to hand me my ass for keeping her kid out so late. “You been drinking all night?”

“This is my first one. Uh, two.” She gulps another shot. “Make that three.” Holly clears her throat. “I waited until Bhodi got home and it’s time to make up for lost time. Wanna join me?” She pours the amber liquid into the tiny glass.

“What are we drinking to?”

“Shitty exes.”

I salute her with the cup.

“Come on, it’s no fun drinking alone, and I’ve got a second wind now too.” Holly spins on her toes.

I follow Holly into her bedroom, watching her ponytail swish because for once her shirt covers her ass.

That tattoo though? It swirls down her ankle with a flourish over the top of her foot, making me even more curious where the other vines and petals grow.

She closes the door and tucks into a coral high-backed wing chair near the bed. Her baggy and wrinkled t-shirt creeps up, revealing a pair of boxers.

With no place else to sit, I lower myself to the mattress. The headboard and footboard are made from woven rattan, and the way they curve together is like being cradled in a basket. The room would be a decent size if it weren’t stuffed with furniture. She’s got a vanity table, wardrobe, and large flatscreen TV playing soundlessly on a dresser. I notice the mute symbol at the top corner. The remote’s next to me, and I let the commercial announcer’s voice fill the silence before it becomes uncomfortable.

“Want to talk about it?” I offer.

Giving up on decorum, Holly swigs from the spout. “God, no. Bhodi’s father is a loser among losers. I won’t waste my breath on him.”

“You got a great kid out of it. He was calm and didn’t complain—well, not much anyway—during the whole ordeal today.” I wiggle my fingers in a gimme motion and toss back another swallow when she passes me the whiskey.

“Last time you bring a bunch of kids on a field trip?”

I wrinkle my chin, disagreeing. History might not have been the boys’ first choice, however, I hadn’t considered not doing it again.

“Shit happens. Big fucking deal. Today was sort of an adventure. Anyway, I won’t be taking the station wagon that far again. It’s a cool car, but not all that reliable.”

I’d done it so Bhodi could show off his handiwork, then took the heat for the bad starter and bought the four of us dessert.

“I’ll lend you my Honda, but obviously...” She doesn’t need to finish the statement by saying I have my pick of anythingreliableon the lot.

“Thanks.” My jaw cracks when I yawn. I kick my shoes off and my feet up. It’s cute that she wants to trade vehicles. I look at Holly as she covers her mouth, hiding her tiredness. Then I shimmy over to one side and pat the mattress.
