Page 47 of Trust Me

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Now it was his breathing that quickened.

And he had his answer. Not wishful thinking at all.

Without a word, she shifted closer until her shoulder brushed against his, but she didn’t pull back to put space between them. They continued like that, shoulders touching as they ate and drank and set aside heavy talk in favor of the movies and TV shows Diana had binged in her recuperation.

Chris had yet to spend time with a remote control, so she listed new shows he might want to check out. Considering all the topics they were avoiding, she was easy to talk to.

He didn’t kid himself that this was anything more than a night out for either of them. She’d been through something traumatic, but she knew she was safe with him and didn’t have to make explanations.

And he…well, his life had been jacked since before the Lake Olympus Lodge Exercise last winter. His big excitement tomorrow would be reading the thick stack of divorce papers and finally severing all legal ties to a woman who’d moved on a year ago.

This break was more than welcome.

Pam was already pregnant and engaged, while Chris hadn’t once considered dating or even a one-night hookup in the intervening months. Now he found himself at the start of a two-week leave with a beautiful woman who showed every sign of being into him. He wanted to see where this could go.

One part of him worried that she had some hero worship going on since he’d been the one to get her out of that stairwell in Aqaba, but at the same time, it was Diana herself who’d escaped the house and killed her guard. Chris had merely been there to make sure the rest of her escape went smoothly.

Hell, if anything, he was the one who might have a bit of hero worship for her. He’d meant what he said earlier. She was badass, and he was impressed by what she’d been capable of, as a prisoner, no less.

It was nearly impossible to comprehend or anticipate how one would react in a situation like she’d been in. Most people—especially those not trained for it like special forces—would panic and shut down. And while she’d gone through a SERE training, she didn’t have the weeks and months—years really—of special forces training to guide her.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

“Because I find you impressive.” And hot.

She smiled, taking the last sip of her drink as she studied him over the rim of the glass.

Their waiter returned and asked if they wanted another round. Diana declined, saying, “I better not. I’m not driving, but it’s still not a good idea to be tipsy on the Metro going home.”

Chris eyed the brace that protected her surgically reconstructed ankle. “I guess driving is out for a while.”

She nodded.

“Tell you what. My hotel is just a few blocks from here. I’ve got my car parked there. I can give you a ride home, and you won’t be stuck taking the Metro by yourself late at night.”

“You sure? It’s a pain in the ass to get to my condo from here.”

“Of course. I can’t imagine the Metro is easy on crutches, what with elevator and escalator breakdowns being so common.”

“It’s one of the reasons I’ve been a hermit since returning Stateside nearly two weeks ago.”

“All right, then. Consider me your chauffeur for as long as I’m in town.”

“How long is that?”

He paused and took her hand. When her palm relaxed against his, he smiled and gently massaged the pad of her palm by her thumb. “I think that might be up to you. I’m officially on leave without set plans.”

“That’s intriguing. To be totally mercenary about this, I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, and I’m already dreading changing trains at Gallery Place.”

“Is it an ankle check?”

She nodded. “Fingers crossed I’ll get a walking boot.”

“I’m happy to give you a ride.”

“That would be great. I’ll take you out to lunch afterward as a thank-you.”

“It’s a date. Let me know where and when to pick you up.”
