Page 49 of Trust Me

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He couldn’t help but smile. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “He looked at you like he wanted to eat you. And I want that privilege for myself.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

Heat flooded Diana at Chris’s blatant statement. Earlier tonight, when she was getting dressed for this party, she’d told herself to let go of her superhero SEAL daydream and pick up a real guy and enjoy a one-night stand. Now, here she was, about to go home with the impossible fantasy.

Her throat went dry. In a good way.

“I think…” She cleared her throat so her voice would be less raspy. “I think I’m ready to leave now.”

Chris gave a sharp nod and crossed the loft to Morgan, who was deep in conversation with Rand and Freya’s husband, Cal.

Chris offered Morgan his hand. “I’m going to see that Diana gets home safely. Thank you for inviting me to your party.”

Morgan rose to her feet, her protruding belly making the feat appear both difficult and impressive. She gave Diana a quick squeeze. “Thank you so much for coming.” Then her voice dropped to a whisper, and she said, “You’re welcome.”

Diana laughed even as she rolled her eyes. “It’s just a ride,” she whispered back.

“I should hope so. Enjoy it for all it’s worth.”

Lord. Diana was so out of practice with girlfriends and innuendo that she hadn’t seen that coming. Blushing, she hugged Freya and then Pax and Cal, then shook Rand’s hand again. Finally, she’d said enough goodbyes to make her escape and followed Chris to the stairs.

This time, Chris took the stairs in front of her, so if she stumbled, he’d break her fall. Luckily, she managed the steps without embarrassing herself, and they soon found themselves on the streets of the southwest DC waterfront on a chilly, almost-winter night.

The walk to Chris’s hotel was necessarily slow, as Diana navigated vents and other tripping hazards on crutches.

At one point, the left crutch slipped on a piece of gravel and Chris was there to steady her.

Before she knew it, they were face-to-face, and Chris’s hand was on the small of her back. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Ankle is fine.”

Standing as they were with only inches separating them, she felt fluttery and warm even as a chill wind whipped around them.

Damn. He was handsome, and he was looking at her lips like he was wondering how she’d taste.

“Do it,” she said, her voice a soft whisper.

One corner of his beautiful mouth kicked up. “Right here? In the middle of the sidewalk?”

“We aren’t in the Arab world anymore. You aren’t in uniform. Public displays of affection are allowed. Besides, my lips are cold.”

He let out a quick, warm laugh, and then his mouth was on hers. Soft at first, but then she opened her mouth to let him in, and heat shot through her at the sensation of lips and tongue meeting.

No. Definitely not cold anymore.

His arm wrapped around her, pulling her flush against him. She leaned on him instead of the crutches as he explored her mouth.

A man walked by and muttered, “Get a room.”

Chris raised his head and glanced at the man and said, “Solid advice. I think we will.”

Diana recognized the blond man as Rand and tucked her head on Chris’s chest as she laughed and flushed a little with embarrassment.

Or maybe it was heat and not embarrassment at all.

Chris whispered in her ear, “Lips warm now?”

