Page 66 of Trust Me

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“What, is that weird?”

That got a laugh. “Yeah. I think that qualifies.”

“What if I said I’m really here for a booty call?”

“I wouldn’t believe you.”

“But would you have sex with me?”

His gaze raked her from head to toe, and she knew he was remembering last night. “Well, yeah. Obviously.”

Now she smiled. “It’s a shame I’m not here for a booty call, then.”

“No argument from me.” He tilted his head to the side and waved his room key in a signal for her to move so he could unlock the door.

She complied, and he pushed the door open, then stepped back for her to precede him.

Last night, when she’d entered this room, she’d gone straight for the window to take in the view. Tonight, she went to the couch and propped her throbbing foot on the cushion. The battered joint didn’t fare well with the cold rain, which had naturally turned into a downpour as she walked the short blocks from the Metro.

Chris set the bag of food on the small dining table and proceeded to pull out the contents, placing the large cardboard clamshell on the coffee table before her, then handing her a plastic fork and knife. “We can take turns.”

“I’m not here to steal your dinner.”

“No, but you look hungry and I know I am, and I’m not going to eat in front of you. Besides, I got a lot of food.” He opened the clamshell, revealing a thick juicy steak, a mound of shrimp, creamy risotto, and sautéed vegetables. It was a massive pile of food. He then pulled out a bag of breadsticks with a garlic butter dipping sauce. He smiled. “I was hungry, so I got the large.”

“Can you eat all this by yourself?”

“When we’re training, sure.” He grabbed a breadstick and dipped it in the butter and took a bite. When she didn’t move to eat, he dipped the bread again and offered it to her.

It would be silly to balk at sharing food and utensils considering all they’d both done with their mouths yesterday, so she opened her mouth.

As her teeth closed on the soft bread, she realized how phallic the food was. Nothing about the moment was intentional, but still, she remembered how good it had felt last night to be wild and free and share her body with this man.

She closed her eyes. The warm bread mixed with garlic butter on her tongue, and she discovered exactly how hungry she was. “Oh my god. That is amazing.”

“Wait till you try the risotto.”

She opened her eyes and took in his assessing gaze with just the slightest hint of sexy smile. She wanted to eat the risotto from his chest.

But that wasn’t why she was here. She used the fork he’d given her to scoop a bite of the rice dish into her mouth, then handed the utensil back to him. Not surprisingly, he was right about it being delicious. If she ever got her life back, she’d have to remember this restaurant.

They were each a few bites in when he held on to the fork and said, “Spill, Diana. Why are you here?”

She dabbed at her mouth with the paper napkin he’d ripped in two for easier sharing. She looked longingly at the steak, which was a perfect medium rare, but he had both the fork and the knife. And he had a right to know why she’d crashed his takeout dinner.

She’d spent most of the Metro ride debating whether or not she should lie. The truth was so implausible, he’d never believe her. He’d already questioned her judgment when it came to seeing Rafiq. This would only seal the deal. But she hadn’t known where else to turn. And he’d said he wanted to help her.

She met his gaze. “I was scared to go home alone.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“Why?” Chris calculated the odds that the next words out of Diana’s mouth would be true. Everything about her demeanor said she wanted to lie.

What would he do if she did?

He sincerely hoped neither of them would find out.

A series of emotions played across her face. Finally, she reached for his beer, took a long sip, and said, “I saw Jamal on the Metro platform. He drew a line across his throat as my train left the station.”
