Page 8 of Come to Papa

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I’m not a prude. Boys bore me. And there’s no way I’m rewarding dullness with a roll in the hay.

Maybe I’ve been looking for a man all along.

The hostess points to an empty booth by an artificial-frost-covered window decorated with twinkling red lights, and we make our way there. Felix helps me onto the bench, holding my purse, while I slide toward the middle, hoping to discourage him from taking the seat next to me. I like to look people in the face when I talk to them, and I don’t want to spend the entire evening wondering if he’ll put his big mitt on my thigh.

Felix quickly gets the hint and makes himself comfortable on the opposite bench. He leans forward, placing his elbows on the table and giving me a perfect view of his very masculine, very vascular forearms.

I can’t believe I’m staring at this man’s arms when there is so much more to take in. He’s gorgeous. Magnificent. A veritable feast for my virgin eyes. That’s how he talked me into dinner. He stunned me with his beauty and caught me off guard.

I planned to stay home and catch up withThe Real Housewives of Miami. A giant scandal is playing out, yet I find myself sitting across from Felix Mercer. Wearing a dress. With my hair brushed, nails painted, and perfume dabbed on my wrists, I greeted him at my door and introduced him to Sadie and Luna, my social butterflies.

He crouched and greeted them on their level. I appreciate that. Frankly, it turned me on. Just like a single mom needs to ensure that a man she brings home gets on well with her kids, I need proof he’s a cat person. If anything should come of us, I won’t tolerate being asked to get rid of them. That’s a battle no man can win.

A server wearing tiny Christmas ornaments for earrings and an antler headband approaches and hands us menus.

“Hey, Felix, I haven’t seen you in here for a while,” she greets him with a smile but tightens her lips when she turns to me.

I say hello, then stare, confused, when she remains silent.

“This is Harlow Jane. She’s a new addition to the town and lives at the old Mills place,” Felix provides information she obviously doesn’t want. He reaches across the table and slips his hand beneath mine. I’m so bewildered by this woman’s odd behavior I hardly notice.

Staring at her joined hands, her features twist with visible annoyance. Her honeyed voice turns gruff. “What can I bring you two?”

“Iced tea if you have it,” I say, shrinking my shoulders and ducking my head to remove myself from the path of her icy glare.

“Two iced teas and a sugar caddy. We’ll order when you return.” Felix diffuses an awkward situation and sends her on her way.

She curses under her breath as she returns to the kitchen and no doubt prepares to spit in my drink.

“What was that about?” I wrestle my hand away from his grip, and readjust my posture, pissed I let her make me feel small.

Felix shakes his head with dismay. “I’m sorry she was rude. She’s asked me out several times since I arrived in town, and I’ve always turned her down. Perhaps, she’s jealous.” He stares at his empty hands while he brags about his irresistible charm.

“You should have told what’s-her-name that this isn’t a date. I’m sorry for killing your action.” I don’t know why I’m being contrary. He isn’t saying anything rude or acting conceited. But I don’t like being lumped into the Felix Mercer fan club. I’ve never even read one of his books.

Although, I did order one two nights ago after I looked him up online. It hasn’t arrived yet. Mail from the mainland can be slow.

Felix tilts his head until his dark eyes meet mine. He releases an audible sigh, and his mouth tips into a sly smile. “I don’t know her name. This shows you she hasn’t made enough of an impression on me to force me to learn it. I committed yours to memory the minute you gave it.”

He's such a smooth talker. This could be dangerous.

“I came here for the cats,” I blurt out an answer to his last question, hoping to discourage any more romantic overtures. If he’s trying to seduce me, he’s in for a surprise. He’ll soon learn Harlow Jane is not so easily won.

“The cats?” His eyes widen with surprise. “Just the cats? Not the sunshine, Caribbean water or Christmas vibes?”

My gaze narrows as I stare into Felix’s piercing, judgmental gaze. “Don’t you ever wonder how cats got on this island? Cats don’t swim. People brought them here and then let them wander outside, unfixed, causing unwanted litters they couldn’t care for. I could have gone to a big city, but when dealing with cat rescue, you must start with something manageable. Candy Cane Key has a stray cat problem, and all these cats are descended from people’s pets. I heard about this place and did years of research before choosing it. The Christmas vibes are nice, but I’m here for the cats. Do you think I’m strange?” Overcome with emotion, I release a shaky breath and await his laughter.

His expression softens with a lazy grin. “You’re a bit peculiar. But you’re my kind of weird, Harlow Jane. Your efforts are admirable, and I’d love to help you however I can.”

“Why would you do that?” I’m genuinely curious and astounded he’d want to get his hands dirty cleaning litter boxes.

He angles his head and stares at me as if lobsters are coming out of my ears. “Because I’d like to spend time with you. I have two formerly feral cats at home and feed a few regulars who wander onto my property. If I can help you help island cats, then it’s a win-win situation.”

“You’ve got cats?” My ears perk, and I lean forward, waiting with bated breath for him to elaborate.

Nodding, he reaches across the table and threads his fingers through mine. “I have two polydactyl Maine Coons. Oscar and Seamus were rescued from a feral colony in Brooklyn. They’re both ten and came to the island with me.”

I gasp with delight as my heart tap dances in my chest. “Oh, my word! Maine Coons? I’ve never held a Maine Coon. Are they pretty big?”
