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“I’m learning to pick my battles. Her fashion choice is a battle I'm likely to lose,” Charlotte said. “At least she’ll match the roses.”

Annette left, and a few minutes later, her friends appeared.

“Oh, my God,” Emmaline squealed. “That’s the prettiest dress ever. How did she do that?”

Charlotte thought about Annette. “My mother-in-law is a force of nature.”

Marybeth said, “It’s best to stay in her good graces,” as she lifted the veil and placed it atop Charlotte’s head. She added, “I’ll be sending prayers your way.”

Tilly grabbed the bouquet and handed it to her. “I’d appreciate it if you could keep these away from me when you’re throwing them later,” she said. “I want to steer clear of whatever wedding bug you all have.” Tilly was the last firefly left without a partner. Charlotte had assumed they’d be old maids together, but life had brought her a prince; maybe there was someone out there for Tilly too.

Annette peered into the room. “It’s time,” she said.

Charlotte looked at her friends and made a final decision. “Annette, you are responsible for this day in many ways, and I’m so grateful for everything you’ve poured into our marriage. It would be a great honor if you would walk me down the aisle.”

Annette smiled. “The honor is all mine, Charlotte. Thank you,” she said, holding back tears.

“Oh my, where’s little Ivy?” Charlotte said to her friends, who were also holding back tears. “I’m ready when you are. All we need is Ivy, and we’re set to go.”

Annette laughed. “That one’s slippery as an oil slick. She was just here.”

Soon after, Ivy stepped into the room wearing her red dress adorned with ladybugs stitched on the pockets. Her hair was braided, and in her hands, she held a basket meant to be filled with rose petals but instead was filled with a collection of tiny seashells.

“Where are the flower petals?” Marybeth asked. “I filled your basket up with red roses.”

Ivy shook her head. “Mommy would want to be here, so I put shells.”

Marybeth gave Charlotte a look. “Oh, I’m going to need to pray for you. You will require Samson’s strength and Abraham’s serenity to raise that child.”

Charlotte smiled and placed her hands on Ivy’s shoulders before leaning down and kissing her rosy cheek. “I think shells are the best idea yet,” she said with a glint in her eye. She reached for Ivy’s hand and opened the door, ushering her into the hallway. “Uncle Bast is waiting. You go ahead of us and sprinkle your shells. Mee-maw and I are going to walk together and follow you.” A thrill ran through Charlotte as she imagined the possibilities of the adventure they were about to embark on.

Charlotte made her way through the lobby and outside to the aisle where Bastien and the preacher were waiting at the end. The area was filled with people from her hometown. Cricket was sitting in the first row dressed up but still in her famous red high tops. The sun was shining, and birds were chirping around them. To the right, there was a picturesque setting with covered tables and crystal glassware—prepared for the upcoming reception—but all Charlotte could think of was how she felt in her dream wedding dress, ready to marry her dream man.

Emmaline reached over and squeezed Charlotte’s hand to give her strength. This was it—the moment she had waited for all her life. Taking a deep breath, Charlotte stepped down the aisle that would take her to the man she would marry. She couldn’t quite make out the music in the background—the pounding of her heart drowned it out.

The music swelled, and the guests rose from their seats as Charlotte approached Bastien, with Annette on one side beaming proudly and Ivy by her side, spreading her seashells like tiny treasures. Annette took her seat in the front row, leaving Charlotte at Bastien’s side. Ivy stayed at the altar, so she didn’t miss a thing. He welcomed them with open arms that engulfed them and a smile that told Charlotte he thought he was the luckiest man on earth. Charlotte felt she could float away if Bastien hadn’t been there to hold her. Yes, true love had found her; it was as magical as she always dreamed it would be.

Charlotte’s voice wavered as she repeated her vows, and tears glittered in her eyes. All the emotions of a lifetime seemed to be concentrated at this moment; all her dreams of love and family unfolded before her eyes.

Finally, it was time for them to seal their union with a kiss. As their lips met and the guests rejoiced, Charlotte knew she would cherish this moment forever—the start of something beautiful that would last a lifetime! She had never felt so carefree. Life and love were hers for the taking. As his wedding gift to her, Bastien had paid for all the misfortunes weighing her down. He insisted she had kept up her end of the agreement, and it was only fitting they begin their shared life without worry. He did not want bills, mortgages, or insurance companies peering from the back of Charlotte’s mind into the happiest day of their lives.

She looked into Bastien’s eyes and asked, “How did I get so lucky?” She’d gotten him, Ivy, and the life she’d always hoped for.

He held her tight and smiled, gazing into her eyes. “Because you said yes.”
